robotpkg index
The robotics packages collection
The following list contains all 459 packages currently available in robotpkg, sorted alphabetically.
Please select an entry for more details!
Category | Package | Description |
interfaces | abstract-gik-task-2.7 | JRL abstract interface for generalized inverse kinematics tasks. |
interfaces | abstract-robot-dynamics-1.20r1 | JRL abstract interface for dynamic robot model. |
optimization | acado-1.2.2beta.20160615 | Algorithms for automatic control and dynamic optimization |
middleware | ace-6.5.12r1 | The ADAPTATIVE Communication Environment ACE(tm) |
sysutils | alog-0.5 | a simple log data viewing tool |
devel | ament-cmake-ros-0.10.0 | ROS2 specific CMake bits in the ament buildsystem. |
devel | ament-cmake-1.5.2 | CMake packages for working with ament. |
sysutils | ament-index-1.4.0 | System for cataloging resources distributed by packages. |
sysutils | arduio-genom3-1.3 | Control an Arduino board running the arduio software |
sysutils | arduio-1.2 | Remote control I/Os of an Arduino board |
image | artoolkitplus-2.1.1r4 | Physical markers localization in real time |
path | aspect-genom-0.1 | Aspect map on the base of laser data |
math | boost-numeric-bindings-v1-20100322 | C++ bindings for LAPACK and BLAS libraries. |
math | boost-numeric-bindings-20101109 | C++ bindings for LAPACK and BLAS libraries. |
archivers | bzip2-1.0.5 | Block-sorting file compressor |
audio | clone-genom-0.2r1 | 3D Animated speaking head - genom component |
path | coal-3.0.1 | collision detection and distance computations |
graphics | coldman-genom-1.3r1 | Display collision detection information |
graphics | coldman-libs-1.4 | COLision Detection for MANipulation |
graphics | collada-dom-2.4.0r1 | C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document |
sysutils | console-bridge-1.0.2 | Logging for ROS-independent applications |
motion | contlaw-1.0 | Control laws for wheeled robots with optional trailers |
image | coriander-2.0.1 | Graphical user interface for controlling FireWire cameras |
devel | cortex-sdk-1.0.3 | Cortex Software Development Kit. |
hardware | cwiid-0.6.00 | Tools for interfacing to the Nintendo Wiimote |
hardware | daqflex-libs-1.0 | Interface library for MCC DAQFlex USB-201 ADC |
doc | demo-genom3-1.4 | sample GenoM module used in the tutorial |
doc | demo-genom-0.1 | sample GenoM module used in the tutorial |
speech | dialogs-0.9 | Natural language processor for human-robot interaction |
pkgtools | digest-20080510 | Message digest wrapper utility |
mapping | dtm-genom-1.5 | Digital Terrain Model Construction - GenoM component |
simulation | dxsim-gazebo-1.2 | Gazebo simulator plugin for Dynamixel motors |
motion | dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-ros2-0.3.4 | Dynamic graph bridge messages and services |
motion | dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 | Dynamic graph bridge messages and services. |
motion | dynamic-graph-2.5.7 | Efficient data-flow C++ library for robotics |
hardware | dynamixel-genom3-2.4 | GenoM3 component controlling dynamixel motors |
math | eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1 | QuadProg QP solver using the Eigen3 library |
math | eigen2-2.0.15 | a C++ template library for linear algebra |
math | eigen3-3.3.0 | a C++ template library for linear algebra |
math | eiquadprog-1.2.9 | algorithm of Goldfarb and Idnani for the solution of a QP |
shell | eltclsh-1.19 | Interactive shell for the TCL programming language. |
net | evart-client-2.2.1 | EVa Real-Time Software data streaming API. |
net | evart-stream-2.1 | EVa Real-Time Software data streaming server. |
robots | example-robot-data-4.2.0 | Robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples |
middleware | fastcdr-1.1.1 | C++ serialization library. |
middleware | fastrtps-2.11.2 | Implementation of the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. |
path | fcl-0.7.0 | The Flexible Collision Library |
graphics | flann-1.7.1r1 | Fast approximate nearest neighbor search for high dimension |
devel | foonathan-memory-0.7.1 | STL compatible C++ memory allocator |
hardware | ftsens-genom3-1.0 | GenoM3 component reading IIT force sensor |
simulation | gazebo-ros-pkgs-2.8.6 | ROS wrappers, tools for using the Gazebo simulator |
math | gbM-0.12 | Geometry for 6R arms |
devel | gbx-flexiport-1.0.0r1 | Gearbox Flexiport (interface for a range of data port types) |
hardware | gbx-hokuyo-aist-2.0.0 | Gearbox Hokuyo AIST driver |
devel | gbx-share-10.11 | Gearbox (shared files) |
graphics | gdhe-3.8.5 | 3D Visualization tools |
meta-pkgs | gearbox-10.11 | Opensource, peer-reviewed, robotic software tools (meta package) |
interfaces | genBasic-genom-0.4r1 | Common simple data structures for GenoM modules |
interfaces | genHum-genom-1.1r1 | Common data structures for human models |
manipulation | genManip-genom-0.9 | Common manipulation-related structures for GenoM modules |
supervision | genom3-openprs-1.0.10 | GenoM3 template for OpenPRS client |
architecture | genom3-pocolibs-1.24 | GenoM3 template for pocolibs-based components |
architecture | genom3-ros-1.33 | GenoM3 template for ros-based components |
architecture | genom3-2.99.44 | Software components generator for robotics architecture. |
net | genomix-1.8 | HTTP server for controlling GenoM3 components |
architecture | genom-2.12.3 | Software components generator for robotics architecture. |
interfaces | genPos-genom-0.3r1 | Common position-related data structures for GenoM |
math | geometric-tools-5p7r1 | Geometric tools for mathematics, physics, graphics, imagics |
graphics | gerard-bauzil-1.2.0 | Data files for the LAAS Gerard Bauzil environment |
localization | gps-genom3-1.6 | GPS driver component |
localization | GPS-genom-1.7 | GenoM module for GPS management |
hardware | GPSNovatel-1.9r3 | Driver and interface for GPS Novatel |
graphics | grh2-2.1r3 | 2D graphical interface for Hilare 2 robots |
speech | gspeett-1.2 | Python client for the Google Speech-To-Text API |
localization | gyro-genom-0.3.1 | GenoM module for gyro management |
hardware | gyro-libs-3.1r3 | Driver and interface for KVH FOG gyros |
hardware | gyroKVH1000-1.4 | Driver and interface for gyroKVH1000 |
hardware | gyroKVH5000-1.4 | Driver and interface for gyroKVH5000 |
devel | gz-cmake-4.0.0 | Gazebo common cmake modules |
graphics | gz-common-6.0.0 | Gazebo AV, Graphics, Events, and much more |
net | gz-fuel-tools-10.0.0 | Gazebo classes and tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel |
graphics | gz-gui-9.0.0 | Gazebo graphical interfaces for robotics applications |
math | gz-math-8.0.0 | Gazebo math classes and functions designed for robotic applications |
interfaces | gz-msgs-11.0.0 | Gazebo messages and functions |
simulation | gz-physics-8.0.0 | Gazebo physics classes and functions for robot applications |
devel | gz-plugin-3.0.0 | Gazebo plugin loader |
graphics | gz-rendering-9.0.0 | Gazebo rendering library for robot applications |
simulation | gz-sensors-9.0.0 | Gazebo sensor models for simulation |
simulation | gz-sim-9.0.0 | Gazebo robotic simulator |
sysutils | gz-tools-2.0.0r1 | Gazebo command line interface |
net | gz-transport-14.0.0 | Gazebo library for component communication |
devel | gz-utils-3.0.0 | Gazebo classes and functions for robot applications |
path | hpp-affordance-6.0.0r1 | Humanoid Path Planner (Extract Whole-Body Affordances for Mutli-Contact Planning) |
path | hpp-constraints-6.0.0r1 | Humanoid Path Planner (Define non-linear constraints on robot configurations) |
path | hpp-core-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Basic classes for general path planning) |
doc | hpp-doc-3.0.0r1 | HPP Project documentation. |
simulation | hpp-environments-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Environments and robot descriptions for HPP) |
path | hpp-manipulation-urdf-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (URDF/SRDF parser for the package hpp-manipulation) |
path | hpp-manipulation-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Manipulation problem definition and resolution) |
math | hpp-pinocchio-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Wrapping of the kinematic/dynamic chain Pinocchio for HPP) |
path | hpp-statistics-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Tools to make statistics) |
middleware | hpp-template-corba-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Template CORBA servers for HPP) |
path | hpp-util-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (utility tools) |
meta-pkgs | hpp-20180711 | Meta-package for the Humanoid Path Planner |
robots | hrp2-10-1.1 | Data and functions specific to HRP2-10 |
robots | hrp2-14-1.9.3 | Data and functions specific to HRP2-14. |
sysutils | hrp2-bringup-1.0.6 | Hrp2 ros package to start HRP-2 |
sysutils | hrp2-computer-monitor-1.0.2 | Hrp2 ros monitoring package |
math | hrp2-dynamics-1.5.3 | Optimized implementation of functions related to HRP-2 dynamics. |
robots | hrp2-machine-1.0.2 | Hrp2 machine description |
robots | hrpsys-base-315.14.0 | Basic OpenRTM Components and utilities to control robots |
localization | hueblob-genom-1.4 | GenoM module for simple object detection and localization |
interfaces | humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 | ROS messages and services for humanoid robots |
hardware | icub-libs-0.2 | Interface library for the iit/icub force/torque sensor |
localization | insitu-1.3 | Sensor location management library. |
pkgtools | install-sh-20070712 | install script compatible with the BSD install program |
sysutils | interceptty-0.6 | Serial port redirector |
optimization | ipopt-3.13.4r1 | Interior Point OPTimizer, pronounced I-P-Opt |
robots | ivmob-genom-1.4 | GenoM interface module for the Sterela 4MOB |
robots | ivmob-libs-1.0 | Interface library for the Sterela 4MOB platform |
image | jafar-correl-0.3 | Jafar image correlation functions |
image | jafar-image-2.3 | Jafar basic image processing based on OpenCV |
math | jafar-jmath-0.5 | Jafar mathematical tools (vector, matrix, random number ...) |
devel | jafar-kernel-0.6r1 | Jafar common tools (exceptions, logging facility ...) |
meta-pkgs | jafar-20130522 | Jafar is A Framework for Algorithms development in Robotics |
knowledge | jena-2.6.4 | Java framework for building Semantic Web applications |
robots | jloco-genom-2.0 | Jido locomotion module - Genom component |
hardware | joystick-genom3-1.2 | Export joystick readings |
math | jrl-dynamics-1.25.0r1 | JRL-Japan implementation of dynamic robot. |
interfaces | jrl-mal-1.19.6r1 | Matrix abstraction layer for boost or vnl. |
math | jrl-mathtools-1.5.2r3 | Basic mathematical tools used in the JRL software |
path | jrl-walkgen-3.2.0 | Walk pattern generator for the HRP-2 humanoid robot. |
lang | jython-2.5.3b1 | Implementation of the Python language written in Java. |
graphics | laaswm-libs-1.2 | Library allowing to control windows in laaswm |
graphics | laaswm-1.2 | Remotely controllable window manager based on evilwm |
math | lapack-3.7.0r1 | Linear Algebra PACKage. |
archivers | libarchive-3.4.3 | Library to read/create different archive formats |
math | libccd-2.1 | collision detection |
simulation | libdart-6.15.0r1 | Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit |
image | libdc1394-2.1.2 | Programming interface to control IEEE 1394 based cameras |
mapping | libdtm-1.4.1 | Digital Terrain Modeling lib |
simulation | libdynamixel-1.2.1 | Emulation library for dynamixel motors |
devel | libedit-3.1r20160903 | Generic line editing and history functions. |
net | libfetch-2.39.1 | Library to access HTTP/FTP server |
hardware | libfranka-0.14.2 | Low-level control of Franka Robotics research robots |
hardware | libftdi-0.19 | interface to ftdi USB device devices |
image | libimages3d-3.4r3 | Three dimensional image definition |
path | libkdtp-1.3 | Spline-based Kinodynamic Trajectory Planner |
math | liblbfgs-1.10 | Solver for unconstrainted minimization problems |
simulation | libmrsim-1.4 | Simulator library for tk3-mikrokopter based quadrotors |
pkgtools | libnbcompat-20150615 | Portable NetBSD compatibility library |
path | libp3d-1.4r2 | Local 3D path planning on a digital elevation map |
localization | libpom-1.2.1 | Global robot position management library. |
image | libraw1394-2.0.4 | Provide access to the raw IEEE1394 bus |
image | libstereopixel-1.5 | Stereo-vision by pixel correlation |
net | libtclserv_client-0.5r1 | Run-time for GeNoM module tclserv client |
pkgtools | libtool-2.2.6b | Generic shared library support script |
motion | locoDemo-genom-1.5 | Demo/simulation locomotion module - Genom component |
devel | log4cxx-0.10.0r1 | Log4cxx is a port to C++ of the Log4j project |
archivers | lz4-121r1 | Extremely Fast Compression algorithm |
robots | mana-emergency-0.2.1r1 | Interface library for the Mana robot emergency stop |
meta-pkgs | laas-mana-20120223 | Mana Software |
path | maneuver-genom3-2.1.1 | Simple maneuver planner for aerial robots |
mapping | mapkit-1.0 | 2D, segment-based map building tools |
supervision | matlab-genomix-1.11 | matlab client for controlling GenoM3 components with genomix |
middleware | mavlink1-1.0.12 | Micro Air Vehicle Message Marshalling Library |
hardware | mccdaqft-genom3-1.0.1 | GenoM3 component reading force sensor from a MCC DAQ |
math | meschach-1.2b | Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations |
meta-pkgs | laas-minnie-20131022 | Minnie Software |
devel | mkdep-2.9 | Automated make(1) dependency generation |
localization | mocap-genom-1.3 | GenoM module exporting raw motion capture data |
robots | mor-libs-0.3r1 | Interface library for the neobotix MOR platform |
simulation | morse-yarp-1.4 | 3D simulator for robotics (YARP bindings) |
simulation | morse-1.4r1 | 3D simulator for robotics |
simulation | mrsim-gazebo-1.3 | Gazebo simulator plugin for tk3-mikrokopter multi-rotors |
simulation | mrsim-genom3-2.2 | Simulator for tk3-mikrokopter based quadrotors |
localization | MTI-genom-0.4r1 | GenoM module for MTI management |
hardware | MTI-0.6 | Driver and interface for MTI |
robots | nao-robot-0.2.2r1 | Base ROS support for the Nao robot |
middleware | naoqi- | Aldebaran middleware for the Nao robot |
math | ndcurves-2.0.0 | Library for creating curves |
path | ndd-genom-1.0 | Dynamic obstacle avoidance module |
robots | neobotix-libs-2.1r1 | Interface library for the neobotix platform |
motion | nhfc-genom3-2.4 | Near-hovering flight controller for rotorcrafts |
image | niut-genom-0.6 | GenoM module for the NITE user tracker from PrimeSense |
mapping | octomap-1.10.0 | An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees |
localization | odokit-1.0 | Library to manipulate odometry data |
graphics | ogre-next-2.3.3 | Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine Next Generation |
middleware | omniORB-4.3.2 | ORB that implements the 2.6 specification of the CORBA |
image | opencv2- | Open Source Computer Vision |
image | opencv3-3.4.3r1 | Open Source Computer Vision |
image | opencv4-4.7.0 | Open Source Computer Vision |
simulation | openhrp3-3.1.9 | Open Architecture Humanoid Robotics Platform |
image | openni-nite- | Primesense OpenNI nite binary blob |
hardware | openni-sensor- | Primesense OpenNI Sensor Engine |
middleware | openni2-2.2beta2r1 | Primesense OpenNI framework for Natural Interaction |
middleware | openni- | Primesense OpenNI framework for Natural Interaction |
supervision | openprs-1.1b12 | Open Source Procedural Reasoning System |
interfaces | openrobots-idl-1.6 | Common IDL interfaces for genom3 components |
interfaces | openrobots2-idl-2.3.1 | Common IDL interfaces for genom3 components |
middleware | openrtm-aist-1.1.1r2 | Open Robot Technology Middleware from AIST. |
graphics | openscenegraph-3.6.5r4 | open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit |
graphics | openvrml-libs-0.18.9 | A free VRML/X3D runtime |
simulation | optitrack-gazebo-1.0 | Gazebo simulator plugin for OptiTrack Motion Capture |
localization | optitrack-genom3-2.3.1 | Export motion capture data from an Optitrack system |
knowledge | oro-server-0.8.1 | Cognitive kernel for robotics |
motion | orocos-kdl-1.4.0r1 | Rigid body kinematics calculations |
devel | orocos-log4cpp-2.9.1r1 | C++ logging library with real-time support |
architecture | orocos-ocl-2.9.1r1 | The Orocos Component Library |
middleware | orocos-rtt-2.9.1 | The Orocos Real-Time Toolkit |
meta-pkgs | orocos-toolchain-2.9.1 | The Open Robot Control Software -- toolchain part |
path | p3d-genom-1.5r2 | Local path planning - GenoM component |
archivers | pax-20080110 | POSIX standard archiver with many extensions |
knowledge | pellet-2.3.0 | Open source reasoner for OWL 2 DL in Java |
motion | phynt-genom3-1.2.1 | Physical interaction component for rotorcrafts |
www | picoweb-1.3 | Dedicated HTTP server for GenoM modules. |
scripts | pilo-demo-0.1 | Demo application using pilo, locoDemo, Gdhe and picoweb |
motion | pilo-genom-1.2r1 | Planar trajectory execution module - Genom component |
math | pinocchio-3.4.0 | Efficient rigid body dynamics |
pkgtools | pkg-config-0.29 | System for managing library compile/link flags |
pkgtools | pkgin-0.6.4r2 | Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages |
pkgtools | pkgrepo2deb-1.13 | Convert robotpkg binary packages to debian packages |
pkgtools | pkg_install-20211115.3 | Package management and administration tools for robotpkg |
hardware | platine-genom-0.5 | GenoM module for platine management. |
robots | play-genom-0.1 | Genom module to control a Pioneer P2DX using player |
robots | player20-libs-2.0.5r2 | Cross-platform robot device interface @PKGS@ server |
middleware | pocolibs-3.2r1 | Real-time communication library used by GenoM modules. |
localization | pom-genom3-3.5 | State estimation combining multiple independent sources |
localization | pom-genom-0.7.1 | GenoM module for localization management. |
graphics | pqp-1.3r3 | A Proximity Query Package |
graphics | primitiveShapes-libs-1.1 | Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection |
optimization | proxsuite-0.6.5r1 | The Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox |
sysutils | py27-aafigure-0.5 | ASCII art to image converter |
sysutils | py38-ament-package-0.14.0 | Python package for parsing ament manifest files. |
optimization | py38-casadi-3.6.7 | Symbolic framework for numeric optimization |
sysutils | py38-catkin-pkg-1.0.0 | ROS standalone library for the catkin package |
path | py38-coal-3.0.1 | (no description) |
optimization | py38-crocoddyl-2.1.0r1 | Optimal control library for robot under contact sequence |
motion | py27-dynamic-graph-2.5.6r2 | Python bindings for motion/dynamic-graph package |
math | py38-eigenpy-3.10.3 | Eigen bindings to python |
robots | py38-example-robot-data-4.2.0 | Robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples |
path | py38-hpp-affordance-corba-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Extract Whole-Body Affordances for Mutli-Contact Planning (CORBA bindings)) |
robots | py38-hpp-baxter-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Wrappers for Baxter robot in HPP) |
path | py38-hpp-bezier-com-traj-6.0.0r1 | Humanoid Path Planner (trajectory generation for the COM with bezier curves) |
path | py38-hpp-centroidal-dynamics-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (testing equilibrium) |
path | py38-hpp-corbaserver-6.0.0r1 | Humanoid Path Planner (Corba server for Humanoid Path Planner) |
simulation | py38-hpp-environments-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Environments and robot descriptions for HPP) |
path | py38-hpp-manipulation-corba-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (CORBA interface for hpp-manipulation) |
path | py38-hpp-python-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Python bindings for Humanoid Path Planner) |
robots | py38-hpp-romeo-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Python and ros launch files for Romeo robot in hpp.) |
doc | py38-hpp-tutorial-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Tutorial for manipulation and path planning) |
robots | py38-hpp-universal-robot-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Data specific to robots ur5 and ur10 for hpp-corbaserver) |
math | py38-ndcurves-2.0.0 | Library for creating curves (python bindings) |
hardware | py38-odri-control-interface-1.0.1 | Open Dynamic Robot Initiative Control Interface |
hardware | py38-odri-master-board-sdk-1.0.7 | Open Dynamic Robot Initiative master-board libraries |
middleware | py38-omniORBpy-4.3.2 | Robust high-performance CORBA ORB for Python |
motion | py38-orocos-kdl-1.4.0 | Python bindings for orocos-kdl |
knowledge | py27-oro-1.0.1 | Python bindings for knowledge/oro-server |
devel | py38-osrf-pycommon-2.0.2 | Python modules used at OSRF |
math | py38-pinocchio-3.4.0 | Efficient rigid body dynamics (python bindings) |
net | py27-poco-1.5 | Python bindings for the tclserv protocol |
optimization | py38-proxsuite-0.6.5 | The Advanced Proximal Optimization Toolbox |
supervision | py38-python-genomix-1.2 | Interactive python client for controlling GenoM3 components |
graphics | py38-pythonqt-3.5.1 | Dynamic Python binding for Qt Applications |
graphics | py38-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Corba server for gepetto-viewer) |
graphics | py38-qt5-gepetto-viewer-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Simple viewer based on OpenSceneGraph) |
graphics | py38-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Bridge between hpp-corbaserver and gepetto-viewer-corba) |
graphics | py38-qt5-hpp-gui-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Graphical interface for HPP) |
graphics | py38-qt5-hpp-plot-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Plotting tools for hpp) |
doc | py38-qt5-hpp-practicals-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Practicals for hpp software) |
math | py38-quadprog-0.1.6r2 | Solve a strictly convex quadratic program |
sysutils | py38-ros2-rpyutils-0.2.1 | Utility types and functions for python |
sysutils | py38-rosdep-0.10.30r1 | ROS system dependencies download and installation |
sysutils | py38-rosdistro-0.8.3 | Tool for managing ROS distributions and packages |
sysutils | py38-rospkg-1.1.7 | ROS basic utilities for querying stacks information |
scripts | py38-sot-application-1.0.0r3 | Application dependent scripts for the Stack of Tasks |
motion | py27-sot-tools-1.0.1 | Python tools for motion/sot-core package |
optimization | py38-tsid-1.7.1r1 | Efficient Inverse Dynamics (python bindings) |
middleware | py38-yarp-3.9.0 | Python bindings for YARP |
optimization | qpoases-3.2.1r1 | C++ implementation of the online active set strategy |
graphics | qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 | open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit |
graphics | qt5-qgv-1.3.5 | Interactive Qt graphViz display |
pkgtools | rbulkit-20200227 | Helper scripts for robotpkg bulk builds |
mapping | regionMap-genom-0.4 | Traversability Map Construction - GenoM component |
mapping | regionMap-lib-0.4r3 | Traversability Map lib |
robots | rflex-genom-0.3.1 | GenoM module for rFlex management. |
robots | rflexclients-2.0.1 | Driver and interface for iRobot rFlex |
robots | rmp-libs-0.6 | Interface library for the Segway RMP400 platform |
robots | rmp400-genom-0.12 | GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP400 |
robots | rmp440-genom3-0.1r2 | GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP440 |
robots | rmp440-genom-0.6.1 | GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP440 |
robots | rmp440-libs-0.6r1 | Interface library for the Segway RMP440 platform |
optimization | roboptim-core-ipopt-plugin-0.2 | plug-in linking ipopt to roboptim-core |
optimization | roboptim-core-3.1r2 | Optimization for robotics: common API to various solvers |
optimization | roboptim-trajectory-3.1r1 | Optimization for robotics: trajectory optimization |
graphics | robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2 | Provides capsule description of the robots |
pkgtools | robotpkgdb-20250324 | A database of all packages included in robotpkg |
pkgtools | robotpkg_chk-1.1 | Check installed packages versions against robotpkg |
doc | robotpkg-guide-20250324 | A guide to robotpkg |
robots | romeo-description-0.5.1 | ROS Aldebaran Robotics Romeo robot model description |
middleware | ros-actionlib-1.14.0 | ROS standardized interface for preemptable tasks |
math | ros-angles-1.9.13 | ROS simple math utilities to work with angles |
meta-pkgs | ros-base-1.4.1 | The Robotic Operating System - Bare bones |
devel | ros-bond-core-1.8.6r1 | ROS process termination detection |
devel | py38-ros-catkin-0.7.29 | ROS low-level build system macros and infrastructure |
devel | ros-class-loader-0.4.1 | ROS package for dynamically loading C++ classes at runtime |
devel | ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1 | ROS cmake modules commonly used by ROS packages |
interfaces | ros-comm-msgs-1.11.2r1 | ROS standard messages definition |
interfaces | ros-common-msgs-1.13.1 | ROS common messages definition |
middleware | ros-comm-1.17.0 | ROS communications-related libraries and tools |
sysutils | ros-console-bridge-0.5.2 | ROS logging from console_bridge to rosconsole |
sysutils | ros-console-1.13.7r1 | ROS console output library |
interfaces | ros-control-msgs-1.4.0 | ROS base messages and actions useful for controlling robots |
motion | ros-control-toolbox-1.17.0 | ROS modules that are useful across all controllers |
motion | ros-control-0.20.0 | ROS generic control loop feedback mechanism |
graphics | ros-convex-decomposition-0.1.12 | ROS convex mesh generation library |
meta-pkgs | ros-desktop-1.4.1 | The Robotic Operating System - Desktop set |
sysutils | ros-diagnostics-1.11.0 | ROS gathering, viewing, and analyzing diagnostics data from robots |
middleware | ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.7.3 | ROS runtime parameter configuration |
math | ros-eigen-stl-containers-0.1.8 | ROS typedefs for using eigen datatypes in STL containers |
sysutils | ros-environment-1.3.2r1 | ROS environment variables definitions |
supervision | ros-executive-smach-2.5.2 | ROS procedural python-based task execution framework |
devel | ros-filters-1.8.1 | ROS interface for processing data as a sequence of filters |
lang | ros-gencpp-0.6.5 | ROS C++ code generator for ROS .msg format |
lang | ros-geneus-3.0.0 | ROS EusLisp message and service generators |
lang | ros-genlisp-0.4.18 | ROS lisp code generator for ROS .msg format |
middleware | ros-genmsg-0.6.0 | ROS code generator for ROS .msg format |
lang | ros-gennodejs-2.0.1 | ROS JavaScript message generators |
lang | ros-genpy-0.6.16 | ROS python code generator for ROS .msg format |
graphics | ros-geometric-shapes-0.6.0r1 | ROS generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies |
math | ros-geometry2-0.7.7 | ROS packages for keeping track of coordinate transforms |
math | ros-geometry-1.13.2 | ROS geometry library (including TF frame management) |
image | ros-image-common-1.12.0 | ROS common code for working with images |
graphics | ros-interactive-markers-1.12.0 | ROS interactive marker library for RViz and similar visualizers |
graphics | ros-ivcon-0.1.7 | ROS mesh conversion utility |
localization | ros-joint-state-publisher-1.12.13 | ROS node publishing joint state values for a given URDF |
graphics | ros-kdl-parser-1.14.2 | ROS tool to build a KDL tree from an URDF robot model |
mapping | ros-laser-geometry-1.6.7 | ROS C++ class turning laser scan data into point clouds |
devel | ros-lint-0.12.0 | ROS CMake lint commands |
lang | ros-message-generation-0.4.0 | ROS build-time dependency for language bindings of messages |
lang | ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 | ROS run-time dependency for language bindings of messages |
interfaces | ros-navigation-msgs-1.13.0 | ROS messages commonly used in navigation packages |
devel | ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16 | ROS zero copy transport inside a process |
motion | ros-orocos-kinematics-dynamics-1.4.0 | ROS package wrapper for Kinematics and Dynamics Library |
devel | ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 | ROS tools for dynamically loading plugins |
graphics | ros-python-qt-binding-0.3.6 | ROS python bindings for Qt |
graphics | ros-qt-gui-core-0.4.2 | ROS infrastructure for Qt based GUI |
math | ros-random-numbers-0.3.2 | ROS wrappers for generating random floating point values |
devel | ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1 | ROS topic publisher from reatime threads |
net | ros-resource-retriever-1.12.7 | ROS API to retrieve data from url-format files |
localization | ros-robot-state-publisher-1.13.6r2 | ROS publish the state of a robot |
meta-pkgs | ros-robot-1.4.1 | The Robotic Operating System - robot variant |
devel | ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 | ROS underlying data libraries for roscpp messages |
sysutils | ros-rospack-2.5.1 | ROS command-line tool for retriving package information |
devel | ros-ros-1.15.8r1 | ROS packaging system |
graphics | ros-rqt-common-plugins-0.4.8 | ROS backend graphical tools suite |
sysutils | ros-rqt-graph-0.4.14 | ROS GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph |
sysutils | ros-rqt-plot-0.4.13 | ROS GUI plugin visualizing numeric values in a 2D plot |
graphics | ros-rqt-0.5.3 | ROS Qt-based framework for GUI development |
sysutils | ros-rviz-1.14.25 | ROS 3D visualization tool |
interfaces | ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 | ROS standard messages definition |
graphics | ros-urdf-1.13.2 | ROS C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) |
image | ros-vision-opencv-1.16.2 | ROS interface with OpenCV |
devel | ros-xacro-1.14.18 | ROS XML macro language |
devel | ros2-class-loader-2.2.0 | ROS2 package for dynamically loading C++ classes at runtime |
interfaces | ros2-common-interfaces-4.2.1 | ROS2 common messages and services interface files |
meta-pkgs | ros2-core-0.9.3 | The Robotic Operating System 2 - core concepts. |
sysutils | ros2-environment-3.2.0r1 | ROS2 environment variables ROS_VERSION and ROS_DISTRO |
sysutils | ros2-launch-ros-0.19.2 | ROS2 tools for launching ROS nodes |
sysutils | ros2-launch-1.0.1 | ROS2 tools for launching multiple processes |
devel | ros2-libstatistics-collector-1.8.0 | ROS2 library to collect measurements and calculate statistics |
interfaces | ros2-rcl-core-interfaces-1.7.0 | ROS2 core messages and services used by the ROS client libraries. |
interfaces | ros2-rcl-interfaces-1.7.0 | ROS2 messages and services used by the ROS client libraries. |
devel | ros2-rcl-logging-2.3.0 | ROS2 logging implementations. |
devel | ros2-rclcpp-16.0.0 | ROS2 client Library for C++ |
devel | ros2-rclpy-3.3.2 | ROS2 client Library for python |
devel | ros2-rcl-5.3.0 | ROS2 support for language specific ROS Client Libraries. |
devel | ros2-rcpputils-2.12.0 | ROS2 utility code for C++. |
devel | ros2-rcutils-6.3.0 | ROS2 common C functions and data structures. |
middleware | ros2-rmw-dds-common-2.1.0 | ROS2 C++ utilities for DDS-based middlewares |
middleware | ros2-rmw-fastrtps-7.4.0 | ROS2 Middleware interface using Fast RTPS |
middleware | ros2-rmw-implementation-2.8.1 | ROS2 CMake infrastructure and dependencies for middlewares. |
middleware | ros2-rmw-7.2.1 | ROS2 middleware interface. |
sysutils | ros2-ros-workspace-1.0.2 | ROS2 environment files for packages. |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-core-0.2.0 | ROS2 runtime and generators dependencies for messages |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-defaults-1.6.0 | ROS2 default rosidl runtime and generators. |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-fastrtps-0.1.0 | ROS2 runtime typesupport and serialization for fastRTPS |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-0.1.1 | ROS2 runtime typesupport and serialization |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-python-0.21.1 | ROS2 IDL support for python |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-runtime-py-0.9.2 | ROS2 runtime for working with generated interfaces in Python |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-3.2.0 | ROS2 typesupport for fastrtps |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-typesupport-3.2.0 | ROS2 typesupport for messages and services |
interfaces | ros2-rosidl-4.3.1 | ROS2 API and scripts to manipulate .msg/.srv/.action files. |
interfaces | ros2-test-interface-files-0.9.1 | ROS2 message definitions used for testing purposes. |
sysutils | ros2-tracing-7.1.0 | ROS2 tracing tools |
interfaces | ros2-unique-identifier-msgs-2.5.0 | ROS2 messages for universally unique identifiers. |
sysutils | ros2cli-0.18.3 | ROS2 command line interface tools |
net | rosix-1.3 | HTTP server for controlling ros nodes |
robots | rotorcraft-genom3-3.6.1 | Low level controller for tk3 quadrotors |
hardware | sahand-genom-1.1 | Schunk Antropomorphic Hand control module - Genom componenent |
hardware | sahand-kmod-2008.01.10 | Schunk Antropomorphic Hand Linux driver |
hardware | sahand-libs-08.08.14r1 | Schunk Antropomorphic Hand API |
graphics | sdformat-15.0.0 | File format that describes environments, objects, and robots |
mapping | segkit-1.0 | Library to manipulate laser data |
localization | segloc-genom-0.3.1 | GenoM module for localization on a map generated by laser point |
math | sensFusion-libs-1.3 | Sensor Fusion Library |
hardware | serial-1.1 | Driver and interface for serial ports |
hardware | sick-genom-0.2 | GenoM module for sick management. |
hardware | sickLib-1.1.0 | Driver and interface for sick interface |
image | sift-1.1.2r1 | C implementation of a SIFT image feature detector |
hardware | simde-0.8.0r1 | Implementations of SIMD instruction sets |
graphics | simple-humanoid-description-1.2.0 | Rigid body model of a simple humanoid robot. |
motion | softMotion-libs-3.12 | SoftMotion Planner Library |
motion | sot-core-2.9.10 | Hierarchical task based control of humanoid robots |
motion | sot-dynamic-2.9.2 | Create entities to compute a robot dynamics properties |
devel | spdlog-1.10.0 | Fast C++ logging library. |
audio | sphinx2-0.6 | Carnegie Mellon University's speech recognition engine. |
middleware | sros2-0.10.4 | ROS2 tools to generate and distribute security keys |
image | stereopixel-genom-1.3 | Stereo-vision by pixel correlation - GenoM component |
graphics | sun-java3d-1.5.1 | Sun Java 3D(TM) API |
lang | sun-jdk- | Sun Java(tm) SE development kit |
math | libt3d-2.6 | 3d transformations, matrices and vector package. |
supervision | tcl-genomix-1.9 | Interactive genomix TCL client for controlling GenoM3 components |
net | tclpcap-2.0.0 | Tcl interface to libpcap |
net | tclserv-2.8.2 | Request and poster server for pocolibs GenoM modules |
devel | tinyxml-2.6.2 | Simple, small, C++ XML parser |
sysutils | tk3-flash-1.5 | Programming utility for Mikrokopter hardware |
robots | tk3-matlab-1.6.1 | matlab/simulink interface for controlling tk3-mikrokopter |
robots | tk3-mikrokopter-1.9 | Autopilot for the Mikrokopter hardware |
hardware | tk3-paparazzi-1.4 | Autopilot for the Paparazzi hardware |
pkgtools | tnftp-20151004 | The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD |
supervision | transgen3-1.0b6 | Glue between Genom modules and OpenPRS. |
supervision | transgen-1.1b1 | Glue between Genom modules and OpenPRS. |
optimization | tsid-1.7.1r1 | Efficient Inverse Dynamics based on Pinocchio |
sysutils | tth-4.09 | TeX to HTML translator |
math | tvmet-1.7.2 | Tiny Vector and Matrix Template library. |
motion | uavatt-genom3-1.2.1 | Attitude flight controller for rotorcrafts |
motion | uavpos-genom3-1.3 | Position flight controller for rotorcrafts |
graphics | urdfdom-headers-1.1.2 | The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers |
graphics | urdfdom-4.0.1 | The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library |
pkgtools | url2robotpkg-2.7 | Tool to automate initial steps in building a package |
graphics | vcglib-20100824 | C++ templated library for mesh manipulation |
hardware | velodyne-genom-1.6.1 | GenoM module for Velodyne {16,32,64} LiDAR data acquisition |
hardware | velodyne-libs-0.8.1r1 | interface library for the Velodyne Lidar sensor |
image | viam-dc1394-driver-1.12 | Versatile Image Acquisition Module - Libraries |
image | viam-genom-1.10 | Versatile Image Acquisition Module - GenoM component |
image | viam-libs-1.12r1 | Versatile Image Acquisition Module - Libraries |
image | viam-v4l-driver-1.12 | Versatile Image Acquisition Module - Libraries |
image | viman-genom-1.6 | Pattern-based marker detection and localization |
devel | visit-struct-1.0 | A miniature library for struct-field reflection in C++ |
image | visp-3.3.0r2 | Visual Servoing Platform |
mapping | worldmodelgrid3dg-genom-1.0 | Probabilistic, 3D occupancy grid building - GenoM component |
mapping | worldmodelgrid3d-1.0 | Probabilistic, 3D occupancy grid building |
localization | xsensmvn-genom3-1.0 | Export motion capture data from XSens MVN software |
sysutils | y2l-1.0 | Yacc to LaTeX translator |
middleware | yarp-3.9.0 | Yet Another Robot Platform |
devel | ycm-cmake-modules-0.16.4 | Extra CMake Modules for YARP and friends |
archivers | zlib-1.2.3 | General purpose data compression library |
mapping | zone-genom-1.1 | GenoM module managing zones in a map |