
Software development tools
ament-cmake-1.5.2CMake packages for working with ament.
ament-cmake-ros-0.10.0ROS2 specific CMake bits in the ament buildsystem.
cortex-sdk-1.0.3Cortex Software Development Kit.
foonathan-memory-0.7.1STL compatible C++ memory allocator
gbx-share-10.11Gearbox (shared files)
gbx-flexiport-1.0.0r1Gearbox Flexiport (interface for a range of data port types)
gz-cmake-4.0.0Gazebo common cmake modules
gz-utils-3.0.0Gazebo classes and functions for robot applications
jafar-kernel-0.6r1Jafar common tools (exceptions, logging facility ...)
libedit-3.1r20160903Generic line editing and history functions.
log4cxx-0.10.0r1Log4cxx is a port to C++ of the Log4j project
mkdep-2.9Automated make(1) dependency generation
orocos-log4cpp-2.9.1r1C++ logging library with real-time support
py38-osrf-pycommon-2.0.2Python modules used at OSRF
ros-bond-core-1.8.6r1ROS process termination detection
py38-ros-catkin-0.7.29ROS low-level build system macros and infrastructure
ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1ROS cmake modules commonly used by ROS packages
ros-class-loader-0.4.1ROS package for dynamically loading C++ classes at runtime
ros-filters-1.8.1ROS interface for processing data as a sequence of filters
ros-lint-0.12.0ROS CMake lint commands
ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16ROS zero copy transport inside a process
ros-pluginlib-1.12.1ROS tools for dynamically loading plugins
ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1ROS topic publisher from reatime threads
ros-ros-1.15.8r1ROS packaging system
ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11ROS underlying data libraries for roscpp messages
ros-xacro-1.14.18ROS XML macro language
ros2-class-loader-2.2.0ROS2 package for dynamically loading C++ classes at runtime
ros2-libstatistics-collector-1.8.0ROS2 library to collect measurements and calculate statistics
ros2-rcl-5.3.0ROS2 support for language specific ROS Client Libraries.
ros2-rcl-logging-2.3.0ROS2 logging implementations.
ros2-rclcpp-16.0.0ROS2 client Library for C++
ros2-rclpy-3.3.2ROS2 client Library for python
ros2-rcpputils-2.12.0ROS2 utility code for C++.
ros2-rcutils-6.3.0ROS2 common C functions and data structures.
spdlog-1.10.0Fast C++ logging library.
tinyxml-2.6.2Simple, small, C++ XML parser
visit-struct-1.0A miniature library for struct-field reflection in C++
ycm-cmake-modules-0.16.4Extra CMake Modules for YARP and friends