
Robots specific packages
example-robot-data-4.1.0Robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples
hrp2-10-1.1Data and functions specific to HRP2-10
hrp2-14-1.9.3Data and functions specific to HRP2-14.
hrp2-machine-1.0.2Hrp2 machine description
hrpsys-base-315.14.0Basic OpenRTM Components and utilities to control robots
ivmob-genom-1.4GenoM interface module for the Sterela 4MOB
ivmob-libs-1.0Interface library for the Sterela 4MOB platform
jloco-genom-2.0Jido locomotion module - Genom component
mana-emergency-0.2.1r1Interface library for the Mana robot emergency stop
mor-libs-0.3Interface library for the neobotix MOR platform
nao-robot-0.2.2r1Base ROS support for the Nao robot
neobotix-libs-2.1r1Interface library for the neobotix platform
play-genom-0.1Genom module to control a Pioneer P2DX using player
player20-libs-2.0.5r2Cross-platform robot device interface & server
py38-example-robot-data-4.1.0r1Robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples
py38-hpp-baxter-5.2.0Humanoid Path Planner (Wrappers for Baxter robot in HPP)
py38-hpp-romeo-5.2.0Humanoid Path Planner (Python and ros launch files for Romeo robot in hpp.)
py38-hpp-universal-robot-5.2.0Humanoid Path Planner (Data specific to robots ur5 and ur10 for hpp-corbaserver)
rflex-genom-0.3.1GenoM module for rFlex management.
rflexclients-2.0.1Driver and interface for iRobot rFlex
rmp-libs-0.6Interface library for the Segway RMP400 platform
rmp400-genom-0.12GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP400
rmp440-genom-0.6.1GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP440
rmp440-genom3-0.1r2GenoM interface module for the Segway RMP440
rmp440-libs-0.6r1Interface library for the Segway RMP440 platform
romeo-description-0.5.1ROS Aldebaran Robotics Romeo robot model description
rotorcraft-genom3-3.6.1Low level controller for tk3 quadrotors
tk3-matlab-1.6.1matlab/simulink interface for controlling tk3-mikrokopter
tk3-mikrokopter-1.9Autopilot for the Mikrokopter hardware