Computer graphics tools
Package | Description |
coldman-genom-1.3r1 | Display collision detection information |
coldman-libs-1.4 | COLision Detection for MANipulation |
collada-dom-2.4.0r1 | C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document |
flann-1.7.1r1 | Fast approximate nearest neighbor search for high dimension |
gdhe-3.8.5 | 3D Visualization tools |
gerard-bauzil-1.2.0 | Data files for the LAAS Gerard Bauzil environment |
grh2-2.1r3 | 2D graphical interface for Hilare 2 robots |
gz-common-6.0.0 | Gazebo AV, Graphics, Events, and much more |
gz-gui-9.0.0 | Gazebo graphical interfaces for robotics applications |
gz-rendering-9.0.0 | Gazebo rendering library for robot applications |
laaswm-1.2 | Remotely controllable window manager based on evilwm |
laaswm-libs-1.2 | Library allowing to control windows in laaswm |
ogre-next-2.3.3 | Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine Next Generation |
openscenegraph-3.6.5r4 | open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit |
openvrml-libs-0.18.9 | A free VRML/X3D runtime |
pqp-1.3r3 | A Proximity Query Package |
primitiveShapes-libs-1.1 | Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection |
py38-pythonqt-3.5.1 | Dynamic Python binding for Qt Applications |
py38-qt5-gepetto-viewer-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Simple viewer based on OpenSceneGraph) |
py38-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Corba server for gepetto-viewer) |
py38-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Bridge between hpp-corbaserver and gepetto-viewer-corba) |
py38-qt5-hpp-gui-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Graphical interface for HPP) |
py38-qt5-hpp-plot-6.0.0 | Humanoid Path Planner (Plotting tools for hpp) |
qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 | open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit |
qt5-qgv-1.3.5 | Interactive Qt graphViz display |
robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2 | Provides capsule description of the robots |
ros-convex-decomposition-0.1.12 | ROS convex mesh generation library |
ros-geometric-shapes-0.6.0r1 | ROS generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies |
ros-interactive-markers-1.12.0 | ROS interactive marker library for RViz and similar visualizers |
ros-ivcon-0.1.7 | ROS mesh conversion utility |
ros-kdl-parser-1.14.2 | ROS tool to build a KDL tree from an URDF robot model |
ros-python-qt-binding-0.3.6 | ROS python bindings for Qt |
ros-qt-gui-core-0.4.2 | ROS infrastructure for Qt based GUI |
ros-rqt-0.5.3 | ROS Qt-based framework for GUI development |
ros-rqt-common-plugins-0.4.8 | ROS backend graphical tools suite |
ros-urdf-1.13.2 | ROS C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) |
sdformat-15.0.0 | File format that describes environments, objects, and robots |
simple-humanoid-description-1.2.0 | Rigid body model of a simple humanoid robot. |
sun-java3d-1.5.1 | Sun Java 3D(TM) API |
urdfdom-4.0.1 | The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library |
urdfdom-headers-1.1.2 | The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers |
vcglib-20100824 | C++ templated library for mesh manipulation |