Abstract programming interfaces
Package | Description |
genBasic-genom-0.4r1 | Common simple data structures for GenoM modules |
genHum-genom-1.1r1 | Common data structures for human models |
genPos-genom-0.3r1 | Common position-related data structures for GenoM |
abstract-robot-dynamics-1.20r1 | JRL abstract interface for dynamic robot model. |
abstract-gik-task-2.7 | JRL abstract interface for generalized inverse kinematics tasks. |
gz-msgs-11.0.0 | Gazebo messages and functions |
humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 | ROS messages and services for humanoid robots |
jrl-mal-1.19.6r1 | Matrix abstraction layer for boost or vnl. |
openrobots-idl-1.6 | Common IDL interfaces for genom3 components |
openrobots2-idl-2.3.1 | Common IDL interfaces for genom3 components |
ros-comm-msgs-1.11.2r1 | ROS standard messages definition |
ros-common-msgs-1.13.1 | ROS common messages definition |
ros-control-msgs-1.4.0 | ROS base messages and actions useful for controlling robots |
ros-navigation-msgs-1.13.0 | ROS messages commonly used in navigation packages |
ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 | ROS standard messages definition |
ros2-common-interfaces-4.2.1 | ROS2 common messages and services interface files |
ros2-rcl-core-interfaces-1.7.0 | ROS2 core messages and services used by the ROS client libraries. |
ros2-rcl-interfaces-1.7.0 | ROS2 messages and services used by the ROS client libraries. |
ros2-rosidl-4.3.1 | ROS2 API and scripts to manipulate .msg/.srv/.action files. |
ros2-rosidl-core-0.2.0 | ROS2 runtime and generators dependencies for messages |
ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-0.1.1 | ROS2 runtime typesupport and serialization |
ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-fastrtps-0.1.0 | ROS2 runtime typesupport and serialization for fastRTPS |
ros2-rosidl-defaults-1.6.0 | ROS2 default rosidl runtime and generators. |
ros2-rosidl-python-0.21.1 | ROS2 IDL support for python |
ros2-rosidl-runtime-py-0.9.2 | ROS2 runtime for working with generated interfaces in Python |
ros2-rosidl-typesupport-3.2.0 | ROS2 typesupport for messages and services |
ros2-rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-3.2.0 | ROS2 typesupport for fastrtps |
ros2-test-interface-files-0.9.1 | ROS2 message definitions used for testing purposes. |
ros2-unique-identifier-msgs-2.5.0 | ROS2 messages for universally unique identifiers. |