ROS generic control loop feedback mechanism
- Directory:
- motion/ros-control (package's history)
- Package version:
- ros-control-0.17.0
- Home page:
- License:
- modified-bsd
- Source archive:
- Description:
- The ros_control packages takes as input the joint state data from your robot's actuator's encoders and an input set point. It uses a generic control loop feedback mechanism, typically a PID controller, to control the output, typically effort, sent to your actuators. ros_control gets more complicated for physical mechanisms that do not have one-to-one mappings of joint positions, efforts, etc but these scenarios are accounted for using transmissions.
- Run dependencies:
- boost-libs>=1.34.1, boost-libs>=1.34.1, boost-libs>=1.34.1, boost-libs>=1.34.1, libstdc++, py38-catkin-pkg>=0.2, py38-empy>=3, py38-nose>=0.10, py38-pyparsing, py38-ros-catkin>=0.7, ros-class-loader>=0.3, ros-comm>=1.13, ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32, ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7, ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7, ros-message-generation>=0.4, ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5, ros-pluginlib>=1.10, ros-realtime-tools>=1.8.2, ros-resource-retriever>=1.12, ros-rqt>=0.3, ros-std-msgs>=0.5, ros-urdf>=1.12, tinyxml>=2, urdfdom>=0.2.8, urdfdom-headers>=0.2.2
- Build dependencies:
- boost-headers>=1.60, cmake>=2.8.3, digest>=20080510, g++>=4.8, gcc>=3, pax, pkg-config>=0.22, pkg_install>=20110805.12, python38>=3.8<3.9, ros-cmake-modules>=0.3, tnftp>=20130505~ssl
- General options:
- c++-compiler alternatives:
- c-compiler alternatives:
- python alternatives: