robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision bulk build results

Log for agimus-vision-1.0.0 on Debian-11-x86_64: bulk.log (Back)

=> Checking for clear installation ===> Installing bootstrap dependencies for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Debian-11-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Debian-11-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz ===> Checking bootstrap dependencies for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.27 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.10 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.3 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.13 found ===> Done bootstrap-depends for agimus-vision-1.0.0 ===> Installing full dependencies for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Debian-11-x86_64/All/py39-catkin-pkg-1.0.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Debian-11-x86_64/All/py39-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz To use ros, the following environment variables must contain those values: ROS_MASTER_URI http://localhost:11311 ROS_PACKAGE_PATH /opt/openrobots/share PYTHONPATH /opt/openrobots/lib/python3.9/site-packages PATH /opt/openrobots/bin As an alternative to the above configuration, commands can be executed by using the `' wrapper. For instance, roscore can be started like so: /opt/openrobots/etc/ros/ roscore In Bourne shell scripts, the following file can be sourced instead: /opt/openrobots/etc/ros/ => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Debian-11-x86_64/All/ros-vision-opencv-1.16.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Checking build options for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Building with no option. ===> Checking alternatives for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.9: python>=2.5 provided by python39>=3.9<3.10 ===> Checking dependencies for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Required system package cmake>=3.10: cmake-3.18.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-10.2.1 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-10.2.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.2 found => Required system package py39-empy>=3: py39-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py39-nose>=0.10: py39-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py39-pyparsing: py39-pyparsing found => Required system package python39>=3.9<3.10: python39-3.9.2 found => Required robotpkg package py39-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py39-catkin-pkg-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package py39-ros-catkin>=0.7: py39-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.16.2 found WARNING: Using py39-catkin-pkg-1.0.0 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.23 in /usr ===> Done depends for agimus-vision-1.0.0 ===> Extracting for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK ===> Configuring for agimus-vision-1.0.0 CMake Error at /opt/openrobots/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "visp_bridge" with any of the following names: visp_bridgeConfig.cmake visp_bridge-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "visp_bridge" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "visp_bridge_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "visp_bridge" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:24 (find_package) An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | Add the installation prefix of "visp_bridge" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set | "visp_bridge_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If | "visp_bridge" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it | has been installed. | Call Stack (most recent call first): | CMakeLists.txt:24 (find_package) | | | -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! | See also "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/agimus-vision-1.0.0/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/configure.log make[3]: *** [/local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/configure/ do-configure-cmake(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/agimus-vision-1.0.0)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [/local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/pkg/ pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking agimus-vision-1.0.0 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Deinstalling for agimus-vision Removed digest-20080510 Removing dependency py39-rosdep-0.10.30r1 Removing dependency py39-ros-catkin-0.7.29 Removing dependency ros-environment-1.3.2r1 Removing dependency ros-rospack-2.5.1 Removing dependency ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 Removing dependency ros-genmsg-0.6.0 Removing dependency ros-ros-1.15.8r1 Removing dependency ros-console-1.13.7r1 Removing dependency ros-gennodejs-2.0.1 Removing dependency ros-genlisp-0.4.18 Removing dependency ros-geneus-3.0.0 Removing dependency ros-gencpp-0.6.5 Removing dependency ros-genpy-0.6.16 Removing dependency ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 Removing dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 Removing dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 Removing dependency ros-common-msgs-1.13.1 Removing dependency ros-comm-msgs-1.11.2r1 Removing dependency ros-class-loader-0.4.1 Removing dependency ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 Removing dependency ros-comm-1.17.0 Removing dependency ros-image-common-1.12.0 Removing dependency ros-vision-opencv-1.16.2 Removed py39-catkin-pkg-1.0.0 Removed tnftp-20151004~ssl