ROS2 Middleware interface using Fast RTPS
- Directory:
- middleware/ros2-rmw-fastrtps (package's history)
- Package version:
- ros2-rmw-fastrtps-7.4.0
- Home page:
- https://github.com/rmw_fastrtps/
- License:
- apache-2.0
- Source archive:
- Description:
- rmw_fastrtps actually provides not one but two different ROS 2 middleware implementations, both of them using Fast DDS as middleware layer: rmw_fastrtps_cpp and rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp (note that directory rmw_fastrtps_shared_cpp just contains the code that the two implementations share, and does not constitute a layer on its own). The main difference between the two is that rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp uses introspection typesupport at run time to decide on the serialization/deserialization mechanism. On the other hand, rmw_fastrtps_cpp uses its own typesupport, which generates the mapping for each message type at build time. Mind that the default ROS 2 RMW implementation is rmw_fastrtps_cpp. You can however set it to rmw_fastrtps_dynamic_cpp using the environment variable RMW_IMPLEMENTATION.
- Run dependencies:
- fastcdr>=1.1, fastrtps>=2.10, libstdc++, py38-ament-package>=0, py38-empy>=3, ros2-rcpputils>=0, ros2-rcutils>=6.1, ros2-rmw-dds-common>=2, ros2-ros-workspace>=0, ros2-rosidl>=4, ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport>=0, ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-fastrtps>=0, ros2-tracing>=7, tinyxml2>=2
- Build dependencies:
- ament-cmake>=0, ament-cmake-ros>=0, cmake>=2.6, digest>=20080510, foonathan-memory>=0, g++>=3, gcc>=3, pax, pkg_install>=20110805.12, python38>=3.8<3.9, tnftp>=20130505~ssl
- General options:
- c++-compiler alternatives:
- c-compiler alternatives:
- python alternatives: