robotpkg/graphics/vcglib bulk build results

Log for vcglib-20100824 on Debian-11-x86_64: sysdep.log (Back)

Missing system package eigen2>=2.0.12: searching in /usr/local missing: /usr/local/include/eigen2/Eigen/Array searching in /usr missing: /usr/include/eigen2/Eigen/Array missing: /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/eigen2/Eigen/Array Please install the Debian package libeigen2-dev. - SYSTEM_PREFIX or PREFIX.eigen2 can be set to the installation prefix of this package in robotpkg.conf. - If no eigen2>=2.0.12 package can be made available in your system, you can use the robotpkg version, by setting in robotpkg.conf PREFER.eigen2= robotpkg