robotpkg/audio/festvox-cmu-us-awb-arctic-hts bulk build results

Log for festvox-cmu-us-awb-arctic-hts-20041209 on Rocky-8-x86_64: sysdep.log (Back)

Missing system package festival>=1.96 : searching in /usr/local missing: /usr/local/bin/festival searching in /usr missing: /usr/bin/festival missing: /bin/festival Please install it before continuing. - SYSTEM_PREFIX or PREFIX.festival can be set to the installation prefix of this package in robotpkg.conf. - If no festival>=1.96 package can be made available in your system, you can use the robotpkg version, by setting in robotpkg.conf PREFER.festival= robotpkg Missing system package festlex-cmu>=1.96: searching in /usr/local missing: /usr/local/share/festival/lib/dicts/cmu/cmulex.scm missing: /usr/local/share/festival/dicts/cmu/cmulex.scm searching in /usr missing: /usr/share/festival/lib/dicts/cmu/cmulex.scm missing: /usr/share/festival/dicts/cmu/cmulex.scm Please install it before continuing. - SYSTEM_PREFIX or PREFIX.festlex-cmu can be set to the installation prefix of this package in robotpkg.conf. - If no festlex-cmu>=1.96 package can be made available in your system, you can use the robotpkg version, by setting in robotpkg.conf PREFER.festlex-cmu= robotpkg Missing system package festlex-poslex>=1.96: searching in /usr/local missing: /usr/local/share/festival/lib/dicts/wsj.wp39.poslexR missing: /usr/local/share/festival/dicts/wsj.wp39.poslexR searching in /usr missing: /usr/share/festival/lib/dicts/wsj.wp39.poslexR missing: /usr/share/festival/dicts/wsj.wp39.poslexR Please install it before continuing. - SYSTEM_PREFIX or PREFIX.festlex-poslex can be set to the installation prefix of this package in robotpkg.conf. - If no festlex-poslex>=1.96 package can be made available in your system, you can use the robotpkg version, by setting in robotpkg.conf PREFER.festlex-poslex= robotpkg