robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping bulk build results
Log for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 on Ubuntu-20.04-x86_64: configure.log (Back)
--- Environment ---
_overrides_lang_ros_message_generation_PKGREQD=ros-message-generation>=0.4 ros-message-generation>=0.4 ros-message-generation>=0.4
_override_vars_sysutils_py_catkin_pkg=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_interfaces_ros_common_msgs=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_wip_libpointmatcher=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_interfaces_ros_common_msgs_PKGREQD=ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ros-common-msgs>=1.12
_override_vars_pkgtools_pkg_install=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_sysutils_py_catkin_pkg_PKGREQD=py38-catkin-pkg>=0.2 py38-catkin-pkg>=0.2 py38-catkin-pkg>=0.2
_override_vars_devel_ros_cmake_modules=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_wip_libpointmatcher_PKGREQD=libpointmatcher>=1.3.1 libpointmatcher>=1.3.1 libpointmatcher>=1.3.1
ECHO_N=echo -n
_overrides_pkgtools_pkg_install_PKGREQD=pkg_install>=20110805.12 pkg_install>=20110805.12 pkg_install>=20110805.12
_overrides_devel_ros_cmake_modules_PKGREQD=ros-cmake-modules>=0.3 ros-cmake-modules>=0.3 ros-cmake-modules>=0.3
_override_vars_lang_ros_genpy=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_pkgtools_tnftp=PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_lang_ros_genpy_PKGREQD=ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7 ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7 ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7
_override_vars_devel_ros_catkin=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_pkgtools_tnftp_PKGREQD=tnftp>=20130505~ssl tnftp>=20130505~ssl
_overrides_devel_ros_catkin_PKGREQD=py38-ros-catkin>=0.7 py38-ros-catkin>=0.7 py38-ros-catkin>=0.7
MAKEFLAGS= --no-print-directory -- PKGREQD.cmdline=ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1~!doc RECURSIVE_PKGPATH=wip/ros-aicp-mapping\ tag=Ubuntu-20.04-x86_64 BULK_LOGDIR=/local/robotpkg/var/log/bulk BULKBASE=/opt/openrobots LOCALBASE=/opt/openrobots PKG_DBDIR=/opt/openrobots/var/db/robotpkg EXPECT_TARGETS=package
_override_vars_pkgtools_digest=PKGREQD PKGREQD
CPP=/usr/bin/gcc -E
_override_vars_pkgtools_pkgrepo2deb=PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_pkgtools_digest_PKGREQD=digest>=20080510 digest>=20080510
_override_vars_wip_ros_perception_pcl=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_pkgtools_pkgrepo2deb_PKGREQD=pkgrepo2deb>=1.9 pkgrepo2deb>=1.9
_overrides_wip_ros_perception_pcl_PKGREQD=ros-perception-pcl>=1.7.0 ros-perception-pcl>=1.7.0 ros-perception-pcl>=1.7.0
_override_vars_middleware_ros_comm=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_image_opencv3=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_middleware_ros_comm_PKGREQD=ros-comm>=1.13 ros-comm>=1.13 ros-comm>=1.13
_override_vars_archivers_pax=PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_wip_libnabo=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_image_opencv3_PKGREQD=opencv3>=3 opencv3>=3 opencv3>=3
_overrides_archivers_pax_PKGREQD=pax pax
CXXCPP=/usr/bin/g++ -E
_overrides_wip_libnabo_PKGREQD=libnabo>=1.0.7 libnabo>=1.0.7 libnabo>=1.0.7
_override_vars_pkgtools_pkg_config=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_math_ros_geometry=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_override_vars_mapping_octomap=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_pkgtools_pkg_config_PKGREQD=pkg-config>=0.22 pkg-config>=0.22 pkg-config>=0.22
_override_vars_math_eigen3=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
GPG=/usr/bin/gpg --homedir=/opt/robotpkg/etc/gnupg
_overrides_math_ros_geometry_PKGREQD=ros-geometry>=1.11 ros-geometry>=1.11 ros-geometry>=1.11
_override_vars_interfaces_ros_std_msgs=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_mapping_octomap_PKGREQD=octomap>=1.6.0 octomap>=1.6.0 octomap>=1.6.0
_override_vars_middleware_ros_genmsg=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
_overrides_math_eigen3_PKGREQD=eigen3>=3.0.0 eigen3>=3.0.0 eigen3>=3.0.0
_overrides_interfaces_ros_std_msgs_PKGREQD=ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ros-std-msgs>=0.5
_overrides_middleware_ros_genmsg_PKGREQD=ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7
_override_vars_lang_ros_message_generation=PKGREQD PKGREQD PKGREQD
Running set -e; \
/bin/mkdir -p /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1/build; \
cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1/build && cd ..; \
test ! -h CMakeLists.txt || rm -f CMakeLists.txt; \
Creating symlink "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1/CMakeLists.txt" pointing to "/opt/openrobots/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake"
Running set -e; \
cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1/build' && \
/usr/bin/env 'CPPFLAGS=' 'CFLAGS=-pipe -O3 -DNDEBUG' 'LDFLAGS=' 'CXXFLAGS=-pipe -O3 -DNDEBUG' PREFIX='/opt/openrobots' HOME=/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work PATH='/opt/openrobots/bin:/opt/openrobots/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin' LD_LIBRARY_PATH='' \
/usr/bin/cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3.8 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.8/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_DIR=site-packages -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3.8 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.8/ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR2=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python3.8/ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -DPython_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3.8 -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3.8 -DPython2_EXECUTABLE=/bin/false '-DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include' '-DOpenCV_DIR=/opt/openrobots/share/OpenCV/' '-Dcatkin_DIR=/opt/openrobots/share/catkin/cmake/' '-Dcmake_modules_DIR=/opt/openrobots/share/cmake_modules/cmake/' '-Dgenmsg_DIR=/opt/openrobots/share/genmsg/cmake/' '-Dmessage_generation_DIR=/opt/openrobots/share/message_generation/cmake/' '-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=' '-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/openrobots' -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/stage -DNOSETESTS=/usr/bin/nosetests3 -DCATKIN_BUILD_BINARY_PACKAGE=1 -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT=OFF -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=OFF --no-warn-unused-cli -DUNIX=1 -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/openrobots -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH:PATH=/opt/openrobots/lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=TRUE -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=' ' -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=make -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=' -pipe -O3 -DNDEBUG' -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG= -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE= -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=' -pipe -O3 -DNDEBUG' -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG= -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE= -DPKGINFODIR=info -DPKGMANDIR=man ..
Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.4.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/stage
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/openrobots
-- This workspace overlays: /opt/openrobots
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python3.8 (found version "3.8.10")
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python3.8
-- Using default Python package layout
-- Found PY_em: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
-- Using empy: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
-- catkin 0.7.29
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~ traversing 3 packages in topological order:
-- ~~ - aicp_core
-- ~~ - aicp_srv
-- ~~ - aicp_ros
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'aicp_core'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(aicp_core)
-- Checking for module 'eigen3'
-- Found eigen3, version 3.3.7
-- Found Eigen: /usr/include/eigen3 (Required is at least version "3.1")
-- Eigen found (include: /usr/include/eigen3, version: 3.3.7)
-- Found Boost: /usr/include (found suitable version "1.71.0", minimum required is "1.55.0") found components: system filesystem date_time iostreams regex
-- Checking for module 'flann'
-- Found flann, version 1.9.1
-- Found FLANN: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- The imported target "vtkParseOGLExt" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.
-- The imported target "vtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.
-- The imported target "vtk" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.
-- The imported target "pvtk" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references.
-- Checking for module 'libusb-1.0'
-- Found libusb-1.0, version 1.0.23
-- Found USB_10: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Found OpenNI: /usr/lib/
-- OpenNI found (include: /usr/include/ni, lib: /usr/lib/
-- Found OpenNI2: /usr/lib/
-- OpenNI2 found (include: /usr/include/openni2, lib: /usr/lib/
** WARNING ** io features related to pcap will be disabled
** WARNING ** io features related to png will be disabled
-- Found libusb-1.0: /usr/include
** WARNING ** io features related to libusb-1.0 will be disabled
-- OpenNI found (include: /usr/include/ni, lib: /usr/lib/
-- OpenNI2 found (include: /usr/include/openni2, lib: /usr/lib/
-- Found Qhull: optimized;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;debug;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- QHULL found (include: /usr/include, lib: optimized;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;debug;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- OpenNI found (include: /usr/include/ni, lib: /usr/lib/
-- looking for PCL_COMMON
-- Found PCL_COMMON: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_KDTREE
-- Found PCL_KDTREE: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_OCTREE
-- Found PCL_OCTREE: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_SEARCH
-- Found PCL_SEARCH: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Found PCL_SAMPLE_CONSENSUS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_FILTERS
-- Found PCL_FILTERS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_2D
-- Found PCL_2D: /usr/include/pcl-1.10
-- looking for PCL_GEOMETRY
-- Found PCL_GEOMETRY: /usr/include/pcl-1.10
-- looking for PCL_IO
-- Found PCL_IO: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_FEATURES
-- Found PCL_FEATURES: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_ML
-- Found PCL_ML: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_SEGMENTATION
-- Found PCL_SEGMENTATION: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_VISUALIZATION
-- Found PCL_VISUALIZATION: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_SURFACE
-- Found PCL_SURFACE: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_REGISTRATION
-- Found PCL_REGISTRATION: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_KEYPOINTS
-- Found PCL_KEYPOINTS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_TRACKING
-- Found PCL_TRACKING: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_RECOGNITION
-- Found PCL_RECOGNITION: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_STEREO
-- Found PCL_STEREO: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_APPS
-- Found PCL_APPS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_IN_HAND_SCANNER
-- Found PCL_IN_HAND_SCANNER: /usr/include/pcl-1.10
-- Found PCL_POINT_CLOUD_EDITOR: /usr/include/pcl-1.10
-- looking for PCL_OUTOFCORE
-- Found PCL_OUTOFCORE: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- looking for PCL_PEOPLE
-- Found PCL_PEOPLE: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Found PCL: pcl_common;pcl_kdtree;pcl_octree;pcl_search;pcl_sample_consensus;pcl_filters;pcl_io;pcl_features;pcl_ml;pcl_segmentation;pcl_visualization;pcl_surface;pcl_registration;pcl_keypoints;pcl_tracking;pcl_recognition;pcl_stereo;pcl_apps;pcl_outofcore;pcl_people;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;optimized;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;debug;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;vtkChartsCore;vtkCommonColor;vtkCommonCore;vtksys;vtkCommonDataModel;vtkCommonMath;vtkCommonMisc;vtkCommonSystem;vtkCommonTransforms;vtkCommonExecutionModel;vtkFiltersGeneral;vtkCommonComputationalGeometry;vtkFiltersCore;vtkInfovisCore;vtkFiltersExtraction;vtkFiltersStatistics;vtkImagingFourier;vtkImagingCore;vtkalglib;vtkRenderingContext2D;vtkRenderingCore;vtkFiltersGeometry;vtkFiltersSources;vtkRenderingFreeType;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;vtkFiltersModeling;vtkImagingSources;vtkInteractionStyle;vtkInteractionWidgets;vtkFiltersHybrid;vtkImagingColor;vtkImagingGeneral;vtkImagingHybrid;vtkIOImage;vtkDICOMParser;vtkmetaio;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;vtkRenderingAnnotation;vtkRenderingVolume;vtkIOXML;vtkIOCore;vtkIOXMLParser;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/;vtkIOGeometry;vtkIOLegacy;vtkIOPLY;vtkRenderingLOD;vtkViewsContext2D;vtkViewsCore;vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2;vtkRenderingOpenGL2;FLANN::FLANN
-- Found OpenCV: /opt/openrobots (found suitable version "3.4.3", minimum required is "3.0")
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'aicp_srv'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(aicp_srv)
-- Disabling the following message generators: geneus;gennodejs
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
-- aicp_srv: 0 messages, 1 services
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'aicp_ros'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(aicp_ros)
-- Disabling the following message generators: geneus;gennodejs
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
-- Configuring done
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:78 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpRegistration" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:78 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpRegistration" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:78 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpRegistration" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:41 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpUtils" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:41 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpUtils" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:41 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicpUtils" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:65 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_main" links to target "Boost::thread" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:65 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_main" links to target "Boost::program_options"
but the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for
an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:65 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_main" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:89 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_core" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:101 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_test" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:69 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_example" links to target "Boost::thread" but
the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:69 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_example" links to target
"Boost::program_options" but the target was not found. Perhaps a
find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target
is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_core/CMakeLists.txt:69 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_classification_example" links to target "Boost::chrono" but
the target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::filesystem" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::system" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::date_time" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::filesystem" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::system" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the
target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an
IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::date_time" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:52 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros_node" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::thread" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::filesystem" but the target was
not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::system" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::date_time" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at aicp_ros/CMakeLists.txt:44 (add_library):
Policy CMP0028 is not set: Double colon in target name means ALIAS or
IMPORTED target. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0028" for policy details.
Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
Target "aicp_ros" links to target "Boost::chrono" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/ros-aicp-mapping/work/aicp_mapping-1.0.1/build