/local/robotpkg/sbin/rbulk-build -f /opt/robotpkg/etc/rbulk-wip.conf --- Syncing bulk database ---------------------------------------- setting Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64 as running --- Updating robotpkg -------------------------------------------- Pulling /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip From git://git.openrobots.org/robots/robotpkg/robotpkg-wip 95bfdaae..6b3b5276 master -> origin/master HEAD is now at 6b3b5276 [meta-pkgs/boost] Delete outdated boost package and make it sysdep-only Updating pkgtools/pkg_install ===> Updating for pkg_install-20211115.2 pkg_install-20211115.2 is already installed and up-to-date. Updating pkgtools/rbulkit ===> Updating for rbulkit-20200227 rbulkit-20200227 is already installed and up-to-date. Updating pkgtools/pkgrepo2deb ===> Updating for pkgrepo2deb-1.12 pkgrepo2deb-1.12 is already installed and up-to-date. --- Running build for bulk-rbulk-wip ------------------------------- ===> Sorting packages for rbulk wip set Scanning wip/ros-urdf-geometry-parser:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-moveit:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-torque-control:*~doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:*~doc Scanning wip/osqp:*~doc Scanning wip/py-bmtools:*~doc [wip/py-bmtools:*~doc] Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Scanning wip/talos-bauzil:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-qualisys:*~doc Scanning wip/head-action:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus:*~doc Scanning wip/gazebo-spring:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-pattern-generator-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:*~doc Scanning wip/dptu-genom3:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-swri-serial-util:*~doc Scanning wip/can-utils:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-gazebo-plugins:*~doc Scanning wip/rviz-plugin-covariance:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:*~doc Scanning wip/tf-lookup:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-swri-math-util:*~doc Scanning wip/hrp2-14-description:*~doc Scanning wip/dynacom:*~doc Scanning wip/ouster-gazebo-simulation:*~doc Scanning wip/FRILibrary:*~doc Scanning wip/fcl:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-hardware-gazebo:*~doc Scanning wip/hey5-description:*~doc Scanning wip/libpointmatcher:*~doc Scanning wip/flex-joints:*~doc Scanning wip/jrl-walkgen-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-transmissions:*~doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:*~doc Scanning wip/ompl:*~doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-talos-balance:*~doc Scanning wip/pyrene-motions:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-data:*~doc Scanning wip/py-scs:*~doc Scanning wip/talos-data:*~doc Scanning wip/backward-ros:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-description-calibration:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-hrp2-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-swri-nodelet:*~doc Scanning wip/pmb2-navigation:*~doc Scanning wip/pmb2-simulation:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-aicp-mapping:*~doc Scanning wip/cppadcodegen:*~doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-hardware-interfaces:*~doc Scanning wip/simde:*~doc Scanning wip/simple-grasping-action:*~doc Scanning wip/py-aig:*~doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:*~doc Scanning wip/docopt-cpp:*~doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:*~doc Scanning wip/dynamic-graph-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-perception-pcl:*~doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:*~doc Scanning wip/ddp-actuator-solver:*~doc Scanning wip/cppad:*~doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot:*~doc Scanning wip/talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot:*~doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:*~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:*~doc Scanning wip/aruco-ros:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/octovis:*~doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:*~doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-wsg-gripper:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-simulation:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-navigation:*~doc Scanning wip/talos-simulation:*~doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:*~doc Scanning wip/py-morse:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/qhull:*~doc Scanning wip/soth:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/infuse-envire:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-object-recognition-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-gripper:*~doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-swri-roscpp:*~doc Scanning wip/infuse-idl:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-srdfdom:*~doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:*~doc Scanning wip/play-motion:*~doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-moveit-resources:*~doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:*~doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:*~doc Scanning wip/visit-struct:*~doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:*~doc Scanning wip/pmb2-robot:*~doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:*~doc Scanning wip/py-mraa:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-dev:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus-vision:*~doc Scanning wip/osg-dae:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus-hpp:*~doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:*~doc Scanning wip/py-skeleton-model:*~doc [wip/py-skeleton-model:*~doc] Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:*~doc Scanning wip/py-gurobi:*~doc [wip/py-gurobi:*~doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/dynamic-introspection:*~doc [wip/dynamic-introspection:*~doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. Scanning wip/ros-octomap-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/roralink:*~doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-image-pipeline:*~doc Scanning wip/simbody:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-moveit-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-navigation-sm:*~doc Scanning wip/antlr2:*~doc Scanning wip/py-pal:*~doc Scanning wip/matio:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-moveit-config:*~doc Scanning wip/talos-moveit-config:*~doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:*~doc Scanning wip/py-pycppad:*~doc Scanning wip/parametric-curves:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-pcl-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:*~doc Scanning wip/ur5-description:*~doc [wip/ur5-description:*~doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/ur5-description is undefined. Scanning wip/aig:*~doc Scanning wip/tiago-robot:*~doc Scanning wip/talos-robot:*~doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:*~doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:*~doc Scanning wip/pal-gazebo-worlds:*~doc Scanning wip/morse-ros:*~doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:*~doc Scanning wip/proxsuite:*~doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:*~doc Scanning wip/sot-doc:*~doc Scanning wip/qualisys-cpp-sdk:*~doc Scanning wip/prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/qpmad:*~doc Scanning wip/multicontact-api:*~doc Scanning wip/dynamic-graph-tutorial:*~doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:*~doc Scanning wip/libnabo:*~doc Scanning wip/prf-teleop-tools:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus-sot-msgs:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus-demos:*~doc Scanning wip/biped-stabilizer:*~doc Scanning wip/agimus-sot:*~doc Scanning wip/py-dill:*~doc Scanning wip/ros-warehouse-ros:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:*~doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:*~doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:*~doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:*~doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-multicontact-api:py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py39-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py38-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py37-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py36-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py311-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos:py310-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py39-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py38-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py37-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py36-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py311-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sl1m:py310-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py39-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py38-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py37-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py36-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py311-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dill:py310-dill-!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py39-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py38-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py37-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py36-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py311-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-osqp:py310-osqp-0.6.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-control:py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py39-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py38-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py37-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py36-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py311-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py310-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-torque-control:py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py39-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py38-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py37-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/visit-struct:visit-struct-1.0.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py312-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py311-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-proxsuite:py310-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-torque-control:py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py39-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py38-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py37-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py36-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py311-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-cvxpy:py310-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py39-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py38-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py37-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py311-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal:py310-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-core-v3:py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-parametric-curves:py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py39-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py39-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py38-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py38-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py37-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py37-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py36-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py36-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py311-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py311-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-gurobi:py310-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc [wip/py-gurobi:py310-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc] Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tiago:py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/py-pal-statistics:py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py39-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py38-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py37-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py36-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py311-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/opensim-core:py310-opensim-core-4.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py39-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py38-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py37-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py312-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py312-aig>=1.0.0 Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py311-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynacom:py310-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py39-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py38-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py37-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py311-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py310-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py39-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py38-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py37-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py36-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py311-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-flex-joints:py310-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py39-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py38-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py37-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py36-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py311-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-multiprocess:py310-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py39-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py38-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py37-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py36-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py311-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-bullet3:py310-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-application-v3:py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py39-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py38-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py37-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py312-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py311-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-morse:py310-morse-1.4~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py39-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py38-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py37-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py36-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py311-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-talos-dev:py310-talos-dev-20201126~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py39-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py38-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py37-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py312-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py311-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-mpc-interface:py310-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py39-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py38-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py37-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py36-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py311-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-qpoases:py310-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/hpp-benchmark:py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py39-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py38-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py37-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py36-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py311-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-pycddlib:py310-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py39-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py38-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py37-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py36-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py311-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-aig:py310-aig-1.2.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py39-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py38-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py37-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py36-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py311-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-scs:py310-scs-2.1.2~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-solo-pybullet:py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py39-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py38-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py37-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py36-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py311-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-example-adder:py310-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py39-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py38-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py37-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py36-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py311-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sobec:py310-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py39-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py38-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py37-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py311-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py310-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc Scanning wip/dptu-genom3:dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server+!* Scanning wip/dptu-genom3:dptu-genom3-0.2~pocolibs-client-c+codels+openprs+pocolibs-server+!doc+!* Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-libnabo:py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py39-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py38-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py37-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py36-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py311-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-ecos:py310-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:py39-sympy-1.10.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:py38-sympy-1.10.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:py312-sympy-1.10.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:py311-sympy-1.10.1~!doc Scanning wip/py-sympy:py310-sympy-1.10.1~!doc Scanned 734 packages (683 unique) [24%] Processing wip/pal-gazebo-worlds:pal-gazebo-worlds-2.0.36~!doc ===> Bulk building for pal-gazebo-worlds-2.0.36 Binary package for pal-gazebo-worlds-2.0.36 is up-to-date. [24%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 => Compiling python files File "/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.py", line 38 print("executing: ", end="") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax File "/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.py", line 38 print("executing: ", end="") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax robotpkg_create: can't stat `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyc' robotpkg_create: can't stat `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyo' => Registering installation for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 robotpkg_admin: py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1: File `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyc' is in +CONTENTS but not on filesystem! robotpkg_admin: py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1: File `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyo' is in +CONTENTS but not on filesystem! robotpkg_create: can't stat `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyc' robotpkg_create: can't stat `/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyo' robotpkg_create: lstat failed for file lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyc: No such file or directory make[3]: *** [pkg-tarup] Error 2 => Unlinking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All => Unlinking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Unlinking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/jrl => Unlinking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pal => Updating debian binary packages make[2]: *** [package-failed] Error 2 => Marking py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 robotpkg_delete: Couldn't remove /opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyc: No such file or directory robotpkg_delete: Couldn't remove /opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mpi_cmake_modules/cmake_format.pyo: No such file or directory ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 [24%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py310-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py310-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [24%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py311-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py311-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [25%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py36-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py36-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [25%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py37-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py37-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [25%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py38-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py38-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [25%] Processing wip/mpi-cmake-modules:py39-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 Binary package for py39-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [25%] Processing wip/morse-ros:morse-ros-1.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for morse-ros-1.4 ===> Bulk building for morse-ros-1.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/morse-1.4r1~doc.tgz => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for morse-ros-1.4: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/morse-ros/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for morse-ros-1.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for morse-ros-1.4 ===> Done bulk for morse-ros-1.4 [26%] Processing wip/sot-doc:sot-doc-1.1.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for sot-doc-1.1.0 Binary package for sot-doc-1.1.0 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py27-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py27-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py310-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py310-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py311-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py311-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py36-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py36-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py37-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py37-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [26%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py38-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py38-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [27%] Processing wip/py-osqp:py39-osqp-0.6.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-osqp-0.6.1 Binary package for py39-osqp-0.6.1 is up-to-date. [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed WARNING: Cannot check installed version of py-rospkg => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package py27-rospkg>=1.0.29: py27-rospkg found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.2 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-resource-retriever>=1.12: ros-resource-retriever-1.12.6 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-rqt>=0.3: ros-rqt-0.5.2 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package ros-urdf>=1.12: ros-urdf-1.13.2 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of py-rospkg => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-rospkg>=1.0.29: MISSING => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: MISSING => Required system package ros-rqt>=0.3: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-rospkg>=1.0.29 (Ubuntu package python-rospkg) ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ERROR: ros-ros>=1.14 ERROR: ros-rqt>=0.3 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-ros-control/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [27%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [28%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-control:py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Bulk building for py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 ===> Done bulk for py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 [28%] Processing wip/multicontact-api:multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package assimp>=3.0: assimp-4.1.0 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package ndcurves>=0.3.3: ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for multicontact-api-3.0.3 [28%] Processing wip/qpmad:qpmad-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for qpmad-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for qpmad-1.1.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.3: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Registering installation for qpmad-1.1.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for qpmad-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for qpmad-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for qpmad-1.1.1 [28%] Processing wip/prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins:prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 ===> Bulk building for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gazebo>=1: gazebo-9.11.0 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-hardware-interfaces>=0.0.3: pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1: py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found WARNING: Using py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-2.8.7 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 ===> Done bulk for prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 [29%] Processing wip/qualisys-cpp-sdk:qualisys-cpp-sdk-2021.2r2~!doc ===> Bulk building for qualisys-cpp-sdk-2021.2r2 Binary package for qualisys-cpp-sdk-2021.2r2 is up-to-date. [29%] Processing wip/agimus-sot-msgs:agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0 Binary package for agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0 is up-to-date. [29%] Processing wip/agimus-demos:agimus-demos-1.1.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for agimus-demos-1.1.0 Binary package for agimus-demos-1.1.0 is up-to-date. [29%] Processing wip/prf-teleop-tools:prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 ===> Bulk building for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0: MISSING => Required system package ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1: ERROR: ERROR: ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0 ERROR: ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/prf-teleop-tools/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 ===> Done bulk for prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 [29%] Processing wip/libnabo:libnabo-1.0.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for libnabo-1.0.7 Binary package for libnabo-1.0.7 is up-to-date. [30%] Processing wip/biped-stabilizer:biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [31%] Processing wip/py-dill:py27-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-dill- Binary package for py27-dill- is up-to-date. [31%] Processing wip/py-dill:py310-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-dill- Binary package for py310-dill- is up-to-date. [31%] Processing wip/py-dill:py311-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-dill- Binary package for py311-dill- is up-to-date. [32%] Processing wip/py-dill:py36-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-dill- Binary package for py36-dill- is up-to-date. [32%] Processing wip/py-dill:py37-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-dill- Binary package for py37-dill- is up-to-date. [32%] Processing wip/py-dill:py38-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-dill- Binary package for py38-dill- is up-to-date. [32%] Processing wip/py-dill:py39-dill-!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-dill- Binary package for py39-dill- is up-to-date. [32%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/multicontact-api-3.0.3.tgz => Dependency ndcurves-1.3.1 already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package assimp>=3.0: assimp-4.1.0 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package multicontact-api>=2.0.0: multicontact-api-3.0.3 found => Required robotpkg package ndcurves>=0.3.3: ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ndcurves>=1.0.0: py27-ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [32%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [32%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [33%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/multicontact-api-3.0.3.tgz => Dependency ndcurves-1.3.1 already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package assimp>=3.0: assimp-4.1.0 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package multicontact-api>=2.0.0: multicontact-api-3.0.3 found => Required robotpkg package ndcurves>=0.3.3: ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-ndcurves>=1.0.0: py36-ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [33%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [33%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [33%] Processing wip/py-multicontact-api:py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 [33%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed WARNING: /bin/sed: read error on stdin: Is a directory => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use opencv-3: opencv>=2.2.0 provided by opencv3>=3<4 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gazebo>=1: gazebo-9.11.0 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libogre>=1.0: libogre-1.9.0 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package opencv3>=3<4: opencv3-3.2.0 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-angles>=1.9: ros-angles-1.9.12 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.2 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-diagnostics>=1.9: ros-diagnostics-1.9.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-image-common>=1.11: ros-image-common-1.11.13 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-nodelet-core>=1.9: ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package ros-urdf>=1.12: ros-urdf-1.13.2 found => Required system package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 found WARNING: /bin/sed: read error on stdin: Is a directory WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/gazebo_ros_pkgs-3.0.1/build' | [ 40%] Built target gazebo_msgs_generate_messages_cpp | [ 40%] Linking CXX shared library /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/stage/lib/libgazebo_ros_control.so | cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/gazebo_ros_pkgs-3.0.1/build/gazebo_ros_control && /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/gazebo_ros_control.dir/link.txt --verbose=1 => Marking py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 as broken | /usr/bin/g++ -fPIC -pipe -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++14 -std=c++11 -shared -Wl,-soname,libgazebo_ros_control.so -o /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/stage/lib/libgazebo_ros_control.so CMakeFiles/gazebo_ros_control.dir/src/gazebo_ros_control_plugin.cpp.o -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-9/plugins -L/opt/pal/ferrum/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-9/plugins:/opt/ros/melodic/lib:/opt/pal/ferrum/lib:::::::::::::::::::: /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libcontrol_toolbox.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libdynamic_reconfigure_config_init_mutex.so /opt/pal/ferrum/lib/libcontroller_manager.so -lpthread /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librealtime_tools.so /opt/pal/ferrum/lib/libtransmission_interface_parser.so /opt/pal/ferrum/lib/libtransmission_interface_loader.so /opt/pal/ferrum/lib/libtransmission_interface_loader_plugins.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/liburdf.so -lurdfdom_sensor -lurdfdom_model_state -lurdfdom_model -lurdfdom_world -ltinyxml /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libclass_loader.so -lPocoFoundation -ldl /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libroslib.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librospack.so -lpython2.7 -lboost_program_options -ltinyxml2 /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_bridge.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libroscpp.so -lboost_filesystem /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_log4cxx.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_backend_interface.so -llog4cxx -lboost_regex /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libroscpp_serialization.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libxmlrpcpp.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librostime.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libcpp_common.so -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lboost_chrono -lboost_date_time -lboost_atomic -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libconsole_bridge.so.0.4 -lBulletSoftBody -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath -lSimTKsimbody -lSimTKmath -lSimTKcommon -lblas -llapack -lblas -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lm -lgazebo -lgazebo_client -lgazebo_gui -lgazebo_sensors -lgazebo_rendering -lgazebo_physics -lgazebo_ode -lgazebo_transport -lgazebo_msgs -lgazebo_util -lgazebo_common -lgazebo_gimpact -lgazebo_opcode -lgazebo_opende_ou -lgazebo_ccd -lboost_thread -lpthread -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_regex -lboost_iostreams -lboost_date_time -lboost_chrono -lboost_atomic -lprotobuf -lpthread -lsdformat -lOgreMain -lpthread -lboost_thread -lpthread -lboost_date_time -lboost_system -lboost_atomic -lboost_chrono -lboost_chrono -lOgreTerrain -lOgrePaging -lOgreTerrain -lOgrePaging -lOgreMain -lpthread -lOgrePaging -lOgreMain -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-transport4.so.4.0.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-msgs1.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-common1.so.1.1.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-fuel_tools1.so.1.2.0 -lboost_program_options -ltinyxml2 /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_bridge.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libroscpp.so -lboost_filesystem /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_log4cxx.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librosconsole_backend_interface.so -llog4cxx -lboost_regex /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libroscpp_serialization.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libxmlrpcpp.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/librostime.so /opt/ros/melodic/lib/libcpp_common.so -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lboost_chrono -lboost_date_time -lboost_atomic -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libconsole_bridge.so.0.4 -lBulletSoftBody -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath -lSimTKsimbody -lSimTKmath -lSimTKcommon -lblas -llapack -lrt -ldl -lm -lgazebo -lgazebo_client -lgazebo_gui -lgazebo_sensors -lgazebo_rendering -lgazebo_physics -lgazebo_ode -lgazebo_transport -lgazebo_msgs -lgazebo_util -lgazebo_common -lgazebo_gimpact -lgazebo_opcode -lgazebo_opende_ou -lgazebo_ccd -lboost_iostreams -lprotobuf -lsdformat -lOgreTerrain -lOgrePaging -lOgreTerrain /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprotobuf.so -lpthread /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-math4.so.4.0.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libuuid.so -luuid /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libswscale.so -lswscale /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavdevice.so -lavdevice /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavformat.so -lavformat /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so -lavcodec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavutil.so -lavutil | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/gazebo_ros_pkgs-3.0.1/build' | [ 40%] Built target gazebo_ros_control | make[1]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/gazebo_ros_pkgs-3.0.1/build' | Makefile:151: recipe for target 'all' failed | make: *** [all] Error 2 For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-make(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/gazebo_ros_pkgs-3.0.1/build)] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [33%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [33%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [34%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2: MISSING WARNING: /bin/sed: read error on stdin: Is a directory => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-image-common>=1.11: MISSING => Required system package ros-nodelet-core>=1.9: MISSING => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Required system package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2 ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ERROR: ros-image-common>=1.11 ERROR: ros-nodelet-core>=1.9 ERROR: ros-ros>=1.14 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ros-vision-opencv>=1.12 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [34%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [34%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [34%] Processing wip/py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs:py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 [36%] Processing wip/ros-urdf-geometry-parser:ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 ===> Bulk building for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-urdf-1.13.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry2>=0.5: ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-urdf>=1.12: ros-urdf-1.13.1 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 ===> Done bulk for ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py310-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py310-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py311-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py311-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py312-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py312-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py312-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py37-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py37-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py38-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py38-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-sympy:py39-sympy-1.10.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-sympy-1.10.1 Binary package for py39-sympy-1.10.1 is up-to-date. [37%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py27-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py27-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py310-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py310-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py311-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py311-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py36-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py36-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py37-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py37-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py38-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py38-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/py-ecos:py39-ecos-2.0.7.post1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-ecos-2.0.7.post1 Binary package for py39-ecos-2.0.7.post1 is up-to-date. [38%] Processing wip/osqp:osqp-0.6.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for osqp-0.6.0r1 Binary package for osqp-0.6.0r1 is up-to-date. [39%] Processing wip/py-bmtools:py27-bmtools-1.0.1~!doc Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-bmtools-1.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-bmtools-1.0.1 => Checking for clear installation Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Use python-2.7: python<3 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package py27-setuptools: py27-setuptools found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-bmtools/work/bmtools-1.0.1 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-bmtools/work/bmtools-1.0.1' && | /usr/bin/python2.7 setup.py install --prefix=/opt/openrobots --install-lib=/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages --install-script=/opt/openrobots/bin --install-data=/opt/openrobots --no-compile --single-version-externally-managed --root=/ | /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'include_package_data' | warnings.warn(msg) | usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] | or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...] | or: setup.py --help-commands | or: setup.py cmd --help | | error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-bmtools/work/install.log make[4]: *** [do-install-distutils(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-bmtools/work/bmtools-1.0.1)] Error 1 => Compiling python files File lib/python2.7/site-packages/bmtools/__init__.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/bmtools/algebra.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/bmtools/filters.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/bmtools/processing.py could not be found => Undoing failed installation ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Installation of py27-bmtools-1.0.1 failed. ERROR: ERROR: Check /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-bmtools/work/install.log for details ERROR: ====================================================================== make[3]: *** [install-failed] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py27-bmtools-1.0.1 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-bmtools-1.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-bmtools-1.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-bmtools-1.0.1 [39%] Processing wip/ros-qualisys:ros-qualisys-1.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/qualisys-cpp-sdk-2021.2r2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-geometry2>=0.5: ros-geometry2-0.6.5 found => Required system package ros-roscpp-core>=0.6: ros-roscpp-core-0.6.14 found => Required robotpkg package qualisys-cpp-sdk>=2021.2: qualisys-cpp-sdk-2021.2r2 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-qualisys-1.0.0 [39%] Processing wip/head-action:head-action-0.0.1r5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for head-action-0.0.1r5 ===> Bulk building for head-action-0.0.1r5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/orocos-kdl-1.4.0r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-msgs>=1.4: ros-control-msgs-1.5.1 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-kdl-parser>=1.12: ros-kdl-parser-1.13.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package tinyxml2>=2: tinyxml2-6.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package orocos-kdl>=1.1: orocos-kdl-1.4.0r1 found WARNING: Using orocos-kdl-1.4.0 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: orocos-kdl-1.4.0 in /opt/ros/melodic => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for head-action-0.0.1r5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for head-action-0.0.1r5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for head-action-0.0.1r5 ===> Done bulk for head-action-0.0.1r5 [39%] Processing wip/gazebo-spring:gazebo-spring-1.0.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for gazebo-spring-1.0.0r1 Binary package for gazebo-spring-1.0.0r1 is up-to-date. [39%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [39%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [39%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [40%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [40%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [40%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [40%] Processing wip/py-libnabo:py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 [40%] Processing wip/ros-swri-serial-util:ros-swri-serial-util-2.3.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-swri-serial-util-2.3.0 Binary package for ros-swri-serial-util-2.3.0 is up-to-date. [40%] Processing wip/can-utils:can-utils-2018.02.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for can-utils-2018.02.0 Binary package for can-utils-2018.02.0 is up-to-date. [40%] Processing wip/dptu-genom3:dptu-genom3-0.2~pocolibs-client-c+codels+openprs+pocolibs-server+!doc+!* ===> Cleaning temporary files for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server ===> Bulk building for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-2.99.42.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-openprs-1.0.9r5.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-pocolibs-1.23.tgz => Dependency openprs-1.1b11 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openrobots-idl-1.6.tgz => Dependency pocolibs-3.1 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency transgen3-1.0b5 already installed => Building with the following options: => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=4.9 => Required system package autoconf>=2.59: autoconf-2.69 found => Required system package automake>=1.8: automake-1.15.1 found => Required system package gcc>=4.9: gcc-7 found => Required system package GNU m4>=1.4: gm4-1.4.18 found => Required system package libtool>=1.5.22: libtool-2.4.6 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required robotpkg package genom3>=2.99.42: genom3-2.99.42 found => Required robotpkg package genom3-openprs>=1.0: genom3-openprs-1.0.9r5 found => Required robotpkg package genom3-pocolibs>=1.23: genom3-pocolibs-1.23 found => Required robotpkg package openprs>=1.1b7: openprs-1.1b11 found => Required robotpkg package openrobots-idl>=1.6: openrobots-idl-1.6 found => Required robotpkg package pocolibs>=3.1: pocolibs-3.1 found => Required robotpkg package transgen3>=1.0b2: transgen3-1.0b5 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Generating openprs/client => Running autoreconf for openprs/client => Generating pocolibs/client/c => Running autoreconf for pocolibs/client/c => Generating pocolibs/server => Running autoreconf for pocolibs/server => Modifying GNU configure scripts to avoid --recheck => Disabling fatal errors with C++ preprocessor in GNU configure scripts => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server ===> Done bulk for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server [41%] Processing wip/dptu-genom3:dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server+!* ===> Cleaning temporary files for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server ===> Bulk building for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-2.99.42.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-openprs-1.0.9r5.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/genom3-ros-1.31.tgz => Dependency openprs-1.1b11 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openrobots-idl-1.6.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency transgen3-1.0b5 already installed => Building with the following options: => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=4.9 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package autoconf>=2.59: autoconf-2.69 found => Required system package automake>=1.8: automake-1.15.1 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=4.9: gcc-7 found => Required system package GNU m4>=1.4: gm4-1.4.18 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package libtool>=1.5.22: libtool-2.4.6 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-rospack>=2.4: ros-rospack-2.5.6 found => Required robotpkg package genom3>=2.99.42: genom3-2.99.42 found => Required robotpkg package genom3-openprs>=1.0: genom3-openprs-1.0.9r5 found => Required robotpkg package genom3-ros>=1.31: genom3-ros-1.31 found => Required robotpkg package openprs>=1.1b7: openprs-1.1b11 found => Required robotpkg package openrobots-idl>=1.6: openrobots-idl-1.6 found => Required robotpkg package transgen3>=1.0b2: transgen3-1.0b5 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Generating openprs/client => Running autoreconf for openprs/client => Generating ros/client/c => Running autoreconf for ros/client/c => Generating ros/client/ros => Running autoreconf for ros/client/ros => Generating ros/server => Running autoreconf for ros/server => Modifying GNU configure scripts to avoid --recheck => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server ===> Done bulk for dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server [41%] Processing wip/pal-gazebo-plugins:pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 ===> Bulk building for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-msgs>=0.11.3: pal-msgs-0.13.8 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1: py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found WARNING: Using py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-2.8.7 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 ===> Done bulk for pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 [41%] Processing wip/rviz-plugin-covariance:rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 ===> Bulk building for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-rviz>=1.9: ros-rviz-1.13.13 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 ===> Done bulk for rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 [41%] Processing wip/tf-lookup:tf-lookup-0.0.1r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 ===> Bulk building for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 ===> Done bulk for tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 [41%] Processing wip/ros-swri-math-util:ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 [41%] Processing wip/hrp2-14-description:hrp2-14-description-1.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 ===> Bulk building for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package ros-xacro>=1.12: ros-xacro-1.13.8 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package robot-capsule-urdf>=1.0: robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/jrl => Updating debian binary packages WARNING: hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 may not be publicly available: WARNING: Redistribution of repackaged binaries not permitted ===> Logging bulk summary for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 ===> Done bulk for hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 [42%] Processing wip/ouster-gazebo-simulation:ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 ===> Bulk building for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1: py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.2 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.6.3 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-robot-state-publisher>=1.9: ros-robot-state-publisher-1.14.1 found WARNING: Using py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: Using ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.6.3 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-2.8.7 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.6.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 ===> Done bulk for ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 [42%] Processing wip/FRILibrary:FRILibrary-1.2r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for FRILibrary-1.2r1 Binary package for FRILibrary-1.2r1 is up-to-date. [42%] Processing wip/fcl:fcl-0.5.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for fcl-0.5.0 Binary package for fcl-0.5.0 is up-to-date. [42%] Processing wip/hey5-description:hey5-description-1.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for hey5-description-1.0.3 ===> Bulk building for hey5-description-1.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for hey5-description-1.0.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for hey5-description-1.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for hey5-description-1.0.3 ===> Done bulk for hey5-description-1.0.3 [42%] Processing wip/libpointmatcher:libpointmatcher-1.3.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 ===> Bulk building for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/libnabo-1.0.7.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-chrono>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-date_time>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-program_options>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-system>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required robotpkg package libnabo>=1.0.7: libnabo-1.0.7 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Registering installation for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 ===> Done bulk for libpointmatcher-1.3.1 [42%] Processing wip/flex-joints:flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for flex-joints-1.1.0 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for flex-joints-1.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for flex-joints-1.1.0 [42%] Processing wip/jrl-walkgen-v3:jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 ===> Bulk building for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eiquadprog-1.2.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use the GNU fortran compiler: fortran-compiler provided by => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package gcc-fortran>=3: gcc-fortran-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package eigen-quadprog>=1.0.0: eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 ===> Done bulk for jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 [43%] Processing wip/pal-transmissions:pal-transmissions-0.2.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-transmissions-0.2.4 ===> Bulk building for pal-transmissions-0.2.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... | CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/build.make:84: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/src/head_transmission_loader.cpp.o' failed | make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/src/half_differential_transmission_loader.cpp.o] Error 1 | CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/src/half_differential_transmission_loader.cpp.o' failed | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/pal-transmissions/work/pal_transmissions-0.2.4' | make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/all] Error 2 | CMakeFiles/Makefile2:465: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/pal_transmissions_loader_plugins.dir/all' failed | make: *** [all] Error 2 | make[1]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/pal-transmissions/work/pal_transmissions-0.2.4' | Makefile:151: recipe for target 'all' failed For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/pal-transmissions/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-make(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/pal-transmissions/work/pal_transmissions-0.2.4)] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking pal-transmissions-0.2.4 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-transmissions-0.2.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-transmissions-0.2.4 ===> Done bulk for pal-transmissions-0.2.4 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py27-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-example-adder-4.0.1 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py310-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py310-example-adder-4.0.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py310-example-adder-4.0.1 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py311-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py311-example-adder-4.0.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py311-example-adder-4.0.1 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py36-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py36-example-adder-4.0.1 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py37-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py37-example-adder-4.0.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py37-example-adder-4.0.1 [43%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py38-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py38-example-adder-4.0.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py38-example-adder-4.0.1 [44%] Processing wip/py-example-adder:py39-example-adder-4.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py39-example-adder-4.0.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-example-adder-4.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-example-adder-4.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py39-example-adder-4.0.1 [44%] Processing wip/ompl:ompl-1.4.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ompl-1.4.1 ===> Bulk building for ompl-1.4.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.54: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.54: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.54: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.54: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.7: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Registering installation for ompl-1.4.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ompl-1.4.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ompl-1.4.1 ===> Done bulk for ompl-1.4.1 [44%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [44%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [44%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [44%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [44%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [45%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [45%] Processing wip/py-solo-pybullet:py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 [45%] Processing wip/pyrene-motions:pyrene-motions-1.0.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for pyrene-motions-1.0.0 Binary package for pyrene-motions-1.0.0 is up-to-date. [45%] Processing wip/tiago-data:tiago-data-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-data-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for tiago-data-1.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for tiago-data-1.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-data-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-data-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for tiago-data-1.1.0 [45%] Processing wip/py-scs:py27-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py27-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [45%] Processing wip/py-scs:py310-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py310-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [45%] Processing wip/py-scs:py311-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py311-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/py-scs:py36-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py36-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/py-scs:py37-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py37-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/py-scs:py38-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py38-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/py-scs:py39-scs-2.1.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-scs-2.1.2 Binary package for py39-scs-2.1.2 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/talos-data:talos-data-2.1.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for talos-data-2.1.0 Binary package for talos-data-2.1.0 is up-to-date. [46%] Processing wip/backward-ros:backward-ros-0.1.7~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for backward-ros-0.1.7 ===> Bulk building for backward-ros-0.1.7 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for backward-ros-0.1.7 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for backward-ros-0.1.7 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for backward-ros-0.1.7 ===> Done bulk for backward-ros-0.1.7 [46%] Processing wip/ros-swri-nodelet:ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16.tgz => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-nodelet-core>=1.9: ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 [47%] Processing wip/pmb2-navigation:pmb2-navigation-2.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 ===> Bulk building for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 ===> Done bulk for pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 [47%] Processing wip/pmb2-simulation:pmb2-simulation-2.0.12~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 ===> Bulk building for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 => Checking leftover files WARNING: 19 files leftover. => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 ===> Done bulk for pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 [47%] Processing wip/pal-hardware-interfaces:pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 ===> Bulk building for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pal => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 ===> Done bulk for pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 [47%] Processing wip/simde:simde-0.7.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for simde-0.7.2 Binary package for simde-0.7.2 is up-to-date. [47%] Processing wip/simple-grasping-action:simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 ===> Bulk building for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 ===> Done bulk for simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 [47%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py27-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py27-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py310-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py310-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py311-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py311-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py36-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py36-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py37-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py37-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py38-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py38-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/py-pycddlib:py39-pycddlib-2.1.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-pycddlib-2.1.7 Binary package for py39-pycddlib-2.1.7 is up-to-date. [48%] Processing wip/dynamic-graph-v3:dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3~!doc ===> Bulk building for dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 Binary package for dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 is up-to-date. [49%] Processing wip/ddp-actuator-solver:ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 ===> Bulk building for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 ===> Done bulk for ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 [49%] Processing wip/cppad:cppad-20220000.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for cppad-20220000.4 Binary package for cppad-20220000.4 is up-to-date. [49%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc.tgz => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openscenegraph-3.6.5r3.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/romeo-description-0.5.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with the following options: => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Use qt-5: qt>=4 qt>=5 provided by qt5-qtbase>=5<6 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.2.92: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package latex>=3.14: latex-3.14159265 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package omniORB>=4.1.1: omniORB-4.2.2 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-omniORBpy: py27-omniORBpy found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package qt5-qtbase>=5<6: qt5-qtbase-5.9.5 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-constraints>=4.11.0: hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-core>=4.11.0: hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-pinocchio>=4.11.0: hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package openscenegraph>=3: openscenegraph-3.6.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-baxter>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-corbaserver>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer>=4.13.0: py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba>=5.6.0: py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer>=4.11.0: py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package qt5-osgqt>=3: qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 found => Required robotpkg package romeo-description>=0.4.0: romeo-description-0.5.1 found ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: A package matching `py27-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0' ERROR: should be installed but some files are missing. ERROR: ERROR: searching in /opt/openrobots ERROR: missing: /opt/openrobots/include/hpp/romeo/util.hh ERROR: ERROR: Please reinstall the package in ../../robots/py-hpp-romeo ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [do-depends] Error 1 ERROR: make: *** [depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [49%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [49%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [49%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc.tgz => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/omniORB-4.2.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openscenegraph-3.6.5r3.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Dependency py36-omniORBpy-4.2.4 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/romeo-description-0.5.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with the following options: => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Use qt-5: qt>=4 qt>=5 provided by qt5-qtbase>=5<6 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.2.92: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package latex>=3.14: latex-3.14159265 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package qt5-qtbase>=5<6: qt5-qtbase-5.9.5 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-constraints>=4.11.0: hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-core>=4.11.0: hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-pinocchio>=4.11.0: hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package omniORB>=4.1.1: omniORB-4.2.4 found => Required robotpkg package openscenegraph>=3: openscenegraph-3.6.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-baxter>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-corbaserver>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-omniORBpy: py36-omniORBpy-4.2.4 found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer>=4.13.0: py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba>=5.6.0: py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer>=4.11.0: py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package qt5-osgqt>=3: qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 found => Required robotpkg package romeo-description>=0.4.0: romeo-description-0.5.1 found ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: A package matching `py36-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0' ERROR: should be installed but some files are missing. ERROR: ERROR: searching in /opt/openrobots ERROR: missing: /opt/openrobots/include/hpp/romeo/util.hh ERROR: ERROR: Please reinstall the package in ../../robots/py-hpp-romeo ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [do-depends] Error 1 ERROR: make: *** [depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [49%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Bulk building for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc ===> Done bulk for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc.tgz => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openscenegraph-3.6.5r3.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/romeo-description-0.5.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Use qt-5: qt>=4 qt>=5 provided by qt5-qtbase>=5<6 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.2.92: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package omniORB>=4.1.1: omniORB-4.2.2 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-omniORBpy: py27-omniORBpy found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package qt5-qtbase>=5<6: qt5-qtbase-5.9.5 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-constraints>=4.11.0: hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-core>=4.11.0: hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-pinocchio>=4.11.0: hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package openscenegraph>=3: openscenegraph-3.6.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-baxter>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-corbaserver>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer>=4.13.0: py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba>=5.6.0: py27-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer>=4.11.0: py27-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package qt5-osgqt>=3: qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 found => Required robotpkg package romeo-description>=0.4.0: romeo-description-0.5.1 found ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: A package matching `py27-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0' ERROR: should be installed but some files are missing. ERROR: ERROR: searching in /opt/openrobots ERROR: missing: /opt/openrobots/include/hpp/romeo/util.hh ERROR: ERROR: Please reinstall the package in ../../robots/py-hpp-romeo ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [do-depends] Error 1 ERROR: make: *** [depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc.tgz => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/omniORB-4.2.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openscenegraph-3.6.5r3.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Dependency py36-omniORBpy-4.2.4 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/romeo-description-0.5.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Use qt-5: qt>=4 qt>=5 provided by qt5-qtbase>=5<6 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.2.92: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package qt5-qtbase>=5<6: qt5-qtbase-5.9.5 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-constraints>=4.11.0: hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-core>=4.11.0: hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-pinocchio>=4.11.0: hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package omniORB>=4.1.1: omniORB-4.2.4 found => Required robotpkg package openscenegraph>=3: openscenegraph-3.6.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-baxter>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-baxter-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-corbaserver>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0: py36-hpp-romeo-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-omniORBpy: py36-omniORBpy-4.2.4 found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer>=4.13.0: py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-4.14.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba>=5.6.0: py36-qt5-gepetto-viewer-corba-5.7.3~doc found => Required robotpkg package py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer>=4.11.0: py36-qt5-hpp-gepetto-viewer-4.15.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package qt5-osgqt>=3: qt5-osgqt-3.5.7r3 found => Required robotpkg package romeo-description>=0.4.0: romeo-description-0.5.1 found ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: A package matching `py36-hpp-romeo>=4.11.0' ERROR: should be installed but some files are missing. ERROR: ERROR: searching in /opt/openrobots ERROR: missing: /opt/openrobots/include/hpp/romeo/util.hh ERROR: ERROR: Please reinstall the package in ../../robots/py-hpp-romeo ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [do-depends] Error 1 ERROR: make: *** [depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [50%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [51%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [51%] Processing wip/hpp-benchmark:py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Bulk building for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 ===> Done bulk for py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 [51%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0: MISSING => Required system package ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2: ERROR: ERROR: ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0 ERROR: ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-ros-controllers/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [51%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [51%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [51%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-control-msgs>=1.4: MISSING => Required system package ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0: MISSING => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Required system package ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2 ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-control-msgs>=1.4 ERROR: ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs>=1.0.0 ERROR: ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ERROR: ros-ros>=1.14 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ros-urdf-geometry-parser>=0.0.3 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-prf-ros-controllers/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [51%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [52%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [52%] Processing wip/py-prf-ros-controllers:py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Bulk building for py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 ===> Done bulk for py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 [52%] Processing wip/aruco-ros:aruco-ros-0.2.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for aruco-ros-0.2.4 ===> Bulk building for aruco-ros-0.2.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.6.3 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for aruco-ros-0.2.4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for aruco-ros-0.2.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for aruco-ros-0.2.4 ===> Done bulk for aruco-ros-0.2.4 [52%] Processing wip/octovis:octoviz-1.6.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for octoviz-1.6.1 ===> Bulk building for octoviz-1.6.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package libqglviewer>=2.3: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for octoviz-1.6.1: ERROR: ERROR: libqglviewer>=2.3 (Ubuntu package libqglviewer-qt4-dev) ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/octovis/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for octoviz-1.6.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for octoviz-1.6.1 ===> Done bulk for octoviz-1.6.1 [52%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py27-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Required system package unzip: unzip found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package py27-cython>=0.20.0: py27-cython-0.26.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | NODENAME=hydra64-ferrum | --- | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python' && | /usr/bin/python2.7 setup.py build | Traceback (most recent call last): | File "setup.py", line 57, in | extra_params['library_dirs'] = [os.path.join(os.environ['PREFIX'], 'lib'), '/usr/lib', os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'bin')] | File "/usr/lib/python2.7/UserDict.py", line 40, in __getitem__ | raise KeyError(key) | KeyError: 'PREFIX' For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-distutils(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py27-qpoases-3.2.1 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-qpoases-3.2.1 [52%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py310-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-qpoases-3.2.1 Binary package for py310-qpoases-3.2.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py311-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-qpoases-3.2.1 Binary package for py311-qpoases-3.2.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py36-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Required system package unzip: unzip found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package py36-cython>=0.20.0: py36-cython-0.26.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | NODENAME=hydra64-ferrum | --- | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python' && | /usr/bin/python3.6 setup.py build | Traceback (most recent call last): | File "setup.py", line 57, in | extra_params['library_dirs'] = [os.path.join(os.environ['PREFIX'], 'lib'), '/usr/lib', os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'bin')] | File "/usr/lib/python3.6/os.py", line 669, in __getitem__ | raise KeyError(key) from None | KeyError: 'PREFIX' For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-distutils(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-qpoases/work/qpOASES-3.2.1/interfaces/python)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py36-qpoases-3.2.1 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py36-qpoases-3.2.1 [53%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py37-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-qpoases-3.2.1 Binary package for py37-qpoases-3.2.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py38-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-qpoases-3.2.1 Binary package for py38-qpoases-3.2.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-qpoases:py39-qpoases-3.2.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-qpoases-3.2.1 Binary package for py39-qpoases-3.2.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py310-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py310-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [53%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py311-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py311-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [54%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py312-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py312-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py312-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [54%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-sympy>=1.1.1: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1: ERROR: ERROR: py36-sympy>=1.1.1 (Ubuntu package python3-sympy) ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-mpc-interface/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 [54%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py37-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py37-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [54%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py38-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py38-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [54%] Processing wip/py-mpc-interface:py39-mpc-interface-1.0.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-mpc-interface-1.0.1 Binary package for py39-mpc-interface-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [54%] Processing wip/pal-wsg-gripper:pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 ===> Bulk building for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 ===> Done bulk for pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 [54%] Processing wip/tiago-navigation:tiago-navigation-2.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-navigation-2.0.0 ===> Bulk building for tiago-navigation-2.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package pal-navigation-sm>=0.1.7: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pmb2-navigation-2.0.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for tiago-navigation-2.0.0: ERROR: ERROR: pal-navigation-sm>=0.1.7 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/tiago-navigation/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-navigation-2.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-navigation-2.0.0 ===> Done bulk for tiago-navigation-2.0.0 [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py310-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-morse-1.4 Binary package for py310-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py311-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-morse-1.4 Binary package for py311-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py312-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py312-morse-1.4 Binary package for py312-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py36-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-morse-1.4 Binary package for py36-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py37-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-morse-1.4 Binary package for py37-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py38-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-morse-1.4 Binary package for py38-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [55%] Processing wip/py-morse:py39-morse-1.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-morse-1.4 Binary package for py39-morse-1.4 is up-to-date. [56%] Processing wip/ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs:ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-genmsg-0.5.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-genpy-0.6.7.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-message-generation-0.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-std-msgs-0.5.11.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 [56%] Processing wip/qhull:qhull-8.0.2~!doc ===> Bulk building for qhull-8.0.2 Binary package for qhull-8.0.2 is up-to-date. [56%] Processing wip/soth:soth-2.0.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for soth-2.0.4 ===> Bulk building for soth-2.0.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for soth-2.0.4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for soth-2.0.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for soth-2.0.4 ===> Done bulk for soth-2.0.4 [56%] Processing wip/infuse-envire:infuse-envire-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for infuse-envire-0.1.1 Binary package for infuse-envire-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [56%] Processing wip/ros-object-recognition-msgs:ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency ros-genmsg-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-genpy-0.6.7 already installed => Dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 already installed => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 [56%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/biped-stabilizer-1.3.0.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package biped-stabilizer>=1.0.0: biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [56%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/biped-stabilizer-1.3.0.tgz WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package biped-stabilizer>=1.0.0: biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/py-biped-stabilizer:py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Bulk building for py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 ===> Done bulk for py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 [57%] Processing wip/pal-gripper:pal-gripper-0.0.13~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-gripper-0.0.13 ===> Bulk building for pal-gripper-0.0.13 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package ros-xacro>=1.12: ros-xacro-1.13.8 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-gripper-0.0.13 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-gripper-0.0.13 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-gripper-0.0.13 ===> Done bulk for pal-gripper-0.0.13 [57%] Processing wip/ros-swri-roscpp:ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-diagnostics-1.9.3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-diagnostics>=1.9: ros-diagnostics-1.9.3 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 [58%] Processing wip/infuse-idl:infuse-idl-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for infuse-idl-0.1.1 Binary package for infuse-idl-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [58%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py27-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 ===> Bulk building for py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dill- => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py27-scipy>=0.17.0: py27-scipy-0.19.1 found => Required system package py27-setuptools: py27-setuptools found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dill>= py27-dill- found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | CC=/usr/bin/gcc | MFLAGS=--no-print-directory | NODENAME=hydra64-ferrum | --- | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14' && | /usr/bin/python2.7 setup.py build | Traceback (most recent call last): | File "setup.py", line 21, in | raise ValueError(unsupported) | ValueError: Versions of Python before 3.7 are not supported For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-setuptools(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 ===> Done bulk for py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 [58%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py310-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-multiprocess-0.70.14 Binary package for py310-multiprocess-0.70.14 is up-to-date. [58%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py311-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-multiprocess-0.70.14 Binary package for py311-multiprocess-0.70.14 is up-to-date. [58%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py36-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 ===> Bulk building for py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dill- => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py36-scipy>=0.17.0: py36-scipy-0.19.1 found => Required system package py36-setuptools: py36-setuptools found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required robotpkg package py36-dill>= py36-dill- found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | CC=/usr/bin/gcc | MFLAGS=--no-print-directory | NODENAME=hydra64-ferrum | --- | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14' && | /usr/bin/python3.6 setup.py build | Traceback (most recent call last): | File "setup.py", line 21, in | raise ValueError(unsupported) | ValueError: Versions of Python before 3.7 are not supported For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-setuptools(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-multiprocess/work/multiprocess-0.70.14)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 ===> Done bulk for py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 [58%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py37-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-multiprocess-0.70.14 Binary package for py37-multiprocess-0.70.14 is up-to-date. [59%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py38-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-multiprocess-0.70.14 Binary package for py38-multiprocess-0.70.14 is up-to-date. [59%] Processing wip/py-multiprocess:py39-multiprocess-0.70.14~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-multiprocess-0.70.14 Binary package for py39-multiprocess-0.70.14 is up-to-date. [59%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py27-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-bullet3-3.24r1 [59%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py310-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-bullet3-3.24r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-bullet3-3.24r1 [59%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py311-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-bullet3-3.24r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-bullet3-3.24r1 [59%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py36-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-bullet3-3.24r1 [59%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py37-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-bullet3-3.24r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-bullet3-3.24r1 [60%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py38-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-bullet3-3.24r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-bullet3-3.24r1 [60%] Processing wip/py-bullet3:py39-bullet3-3.24r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-bullet3-3.24r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-bullet3-3.24r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-bullet3-3.24r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-bullet3-3.24r1 [60%] Processing wip/play-motion:play-motion-0.4.10~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for play-motion-0.4.10 ===> Bulk building for play-motion-0.4.10 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-moveit>=0.10.5: ros-moveit-1.0.6 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for play-motion-0.4.10 => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for play-motion-0.4.10 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for play-motion-0.4.10 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for play-motion-0.4.10 ===> Done bulk for play-motion-0.4.10 [60%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-crocoddyl-1.9.0r1.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Dependency py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package assimp>=3.0: assimp-4.1.0 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py27-scipy>=0.17.0: py27-scipy-0.19.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-crocoddyl>=0.9.0: py27-crocoddyl-1.9.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [60%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [60%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [60%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-crocoddyl-2.0.2.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Dependency py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package assimp>=3.0: assimp-4.1.0 found => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py36-scipy>=0.17.0: py36-scipy-0.19.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-crocoddyl>=0.9.0: py36-crocoddyl-2.0.2 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [61%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [61%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [61%] Processing wip/py-quadruped-walkgen:py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 [61%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py27-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/flex-joints-1.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package flex-joints>=1.0.0: flex-joints-1.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 [61%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py310-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 [61%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py311-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 [61%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py36-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/flex-joints-1.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package flex-joints>=1.0.0: flex-joints-1.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 [62%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py37-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 [62%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py38-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 [62%] Processing wip/py-flex-joints:py39-flex-joints-1.1.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Bulk building for py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 ===> Done bulk for py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 [62%] Processing wip/visit-struct:visit-struct-1.0.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for visit-struct-1.0 Binary package for visit-struct-1.0 is up-to-date. [62%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency ros-genmsg-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-genpy-0.6.7 already installed => Dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 already installed => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 [62%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py310-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 Binary package for py310-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 is up-to-date. [62%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py311-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 Binary package for py311-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 is up-to-date. [63%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-genmsg-0.5.11.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-genpy-0.6.7.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-message-generation-0.4.0.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-std-msgs-0.5.11.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 [63%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py37-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 Binary package for py37-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 is up-to-date. [63%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py38-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 Binary package for py38-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 is up-to-date. [63%] Processing wip/py-ros-baxter-common:py39-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 Binary package for py39-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 is up-to-date. [63%] Processing wip/pmb2-robot:pmb2-robot-3.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 ===> Bulk building for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tf-lookup>=0.0.1: tf-lookup-0.1.4 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 ===> Done bulk for pmb2-robot-3.0.5 [63%] Processing wip/py-mraa:mraa-1.9.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for mraa-1.9.0 ===> Bulk building for mraa-1.9.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package libjson-c>=0.10: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for mraa-1.9.0: ERROR: ERROR: libjson-c>=0.10 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-mraa/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for mraa-1.9.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for mraa-1.9.0 ===> Done bulk for mraa-1.9.0 [63%] Processing wip/agimus-vision:agimus-vision-1.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-vision-1.0.0 ===> Bulk building for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | | Add the installation prefix of "visp_bridge" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set | See also "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/agimus-vision-1.0.0/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". | "visp_bridge_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If | "visp_bridge" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it | has been installed. | Call Stack (most recent call first): | CMakeLists.txt:24 (find_package) | | For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/configure.log make[3]: *** [do-configure-cmake(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-vision/work/agimus-vision-1.0.0)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking agimus-vision-1.0.0 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for agimus-vision-1.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-vision-1.0.0 ===> Done bulk for agimus-vision-1.0.0 [64%] Processing wip/osg-dae:osg-dae-3.2.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 ===> Bulk building for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/collada-dom-2.4.0r1.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/openscenegraph-3.6.5r3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-system>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required robotpkg package collada-dom>=2.4: collada-dom-2.4.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package openscenegraph>=3: openscenegraph-3.6.5r3 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | make[2]: *** [src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/daeRAnimations.o] Error 1 | src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/daeRAnimations.o' failed | make[2]: *** [src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/daeRGeometry.o] Error 1 | src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/build.make:110: recipe for target 'src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/daeRGeometry.o' failed | make[1]: *** [src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/all] Error 2 | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/osg-dae/work/osg-dae-3.2.1' | make: *** [all] Error 2 | CMakeFiles/Makefile2:515: recipe for target 'src/osgPlugins/dae/CMakeFiles/osgdb_dae.dir/all' failed | make[1]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/osg-dae/work/osg-dae-3.2.1' | Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/osg-dae/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-make(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/osg-dae/work/osg-dae-3.2.1)] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking osg-dae-3.2.1r4 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 ===> Done bulk for osg-dae-3.2.1r4 [64%] Processing wip/agimus-hpp:agimus-hpp-1.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-hpp-1.0.0 ===> Bulk building for agimus-hpp-1.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc.tgz => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-manipulation-corba-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.2.92: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package omniORB>=4.1.1: omniORB-4.2.2 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-omniORBpy: py27-omniORBpy found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package agimus-sot-msgs>=1.0.0: agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-constraints>=4.11.0: hpp-constraints-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-core>=4.11.0: hpp-core-4.15.1r2~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package hpp-pinocchio>=4.11.0: hpp-pinocchio-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-corbaserver>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-corbaserver-4.15.1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-manipulation-corba>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-manipulation-corba-4.15.1r1~doc found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! | Add the installation prefix of "dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs" to | CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs_DIR" to a directory | See also "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-hpp/work/agimus-hpp-1.0.0/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". | containing one of the above files. If "dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs" provides | a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. | Call Stack (most recent call first): | CMakeLists.txt:44 (find_package) | | For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-hpp/work/configure.log make[3]: *** [do-configure-cmake(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-hpp/work/agimus-hpp-1.0.0)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking agimus-hpp-1.0.0 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for agimus-hpp-1.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-hpp-1.0.0 ===> Done bulk for agimus-hpp-1.0.0 [64%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package googletest: googletest found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [64%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [64%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [64%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-pal-statistics/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [65%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [65%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [65%] Processing wip/py-pal-statistics:py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Bulk building for py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 ===> Done bulk for py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 [65%] Processing wip/py-skeleton-model:py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1~!doc Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 => Checking for clear installation Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => Use python-2.7: python<3 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package py27-setuptools: py27-setuptools found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-skeleton-model/work/skeleton_model-1.0.1 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-skeleton-model/work/skeleton_model-1.0.1' && | /usr/bin/python2.7 setup.py install --prefix=/opt/openrobots --install-lib=/opt/openrobots/lib/python2.7/site-packages --install-script=/opt/openrobots/bin --install-data=/opt/openrobots --no-compile --single-version-externally-managed --root=/ | /usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py:267: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'include_package_data' | warnings.warn(msg) | usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] | or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...] | or: setup.py --help-commands | or: setup.py cmd --help | | error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-skeleton-model/work/install.log make[4]: *** [do-install-distutils(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-skeleton-model/work/skeleton_model-1.0.1)] Error 1 => Compiling python files File lib/python2.7/site-packages/skeleton_model/__init__.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/skeleton_model/builder.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/skeleton_model/config.py could not be found File lib/python2.7/site-packages/skeleton_model/osim_parser.py could not be found => Undoing failed installation ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Installation of py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 failed. ERROR: ERROR: Check /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-skeleton-model/work/install.log for details ERROR: ====================================================================== make[3]: *** [install-failed] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. Warning: PYDISTUTILSPKG is redundant with py-setuptools. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 [65%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py27-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py27-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py27-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [65%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py310-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py310-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py310-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [65%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py311-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py311-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py311-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [66%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py36-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-gurobi-9.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py36-gurobi-9.5.2 => Checking for clear installation Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package GNU m4>=1.4: gm4-1.4.18 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package libtool>=1.5.22: libtool-2.4.6 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | MFLAGS=--no-print-directory | _overrides_wip_py_gurobi_PKGREQD=py36-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc | NODENAME=hydra64-ferrum | --- | Running set -e; cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-gurobi/work/gurobi952/linux64 && cd '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-gurobi/work/gurobi952/linux64' && | /usr/bin/python3.6 setup.py build | Traceback (most recent call last): | File "setup.py", line 48, in | raise RuntimeError("Unsupported Python version") | RuntimeError: Unsupported Python version For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-gurobi/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-distutils(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-gurobi/work/gurobi952/linux64)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py36-gurobi-9.5.2 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-gurobi-9.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-gurobi-9.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py36-gurobi-9.5.2 [66%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py37-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py37-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py37-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [66%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py38-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py38-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py38-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [66%] Processing wip/py-gurobi:py39-gurobi-9.5.2~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/py-gurobi is undefined. ===> Bulk building for py39-gurobi-9.5.2 Binary package for py39-gurobi-9.5.2 is up-to-date. [66%] Processing wip/dynamic-introspection:dynamic-introspection-1.0.12~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 ===> Bulk building for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 => Checking for clear installation Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. => Required system package backward-ros>=0.1.4: MISSING => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12: ERROR: ERROR: backward-ros>=0.1.4 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/dynamic-introspection/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. ===> Logging bulk summary for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. Warning: the LICENSE of wip/dynamic-introspection is undefined. ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 ===> Done bulk for dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 [66%] Processing wip/ros-octomap-msgs:ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency ros-genmsg-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-genpy-0.6.7 already installed => Dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 already installed => Dependency ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 already installed => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 [66%] Processing wip/roralink:roralink-0.3.0-Source~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for roralink-0.3.0-Source ===> Bulk building for roralink-0.3.0-Source => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package cmake>=2.6: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Fetching roralink-0.3.0-Source.tar.gz => Total size: 12237 bytes tnftp: Error retrieving file `404 Not Found' fetch: Unable to fetch expected file roralink-0.3.0-Source.tar.gz => Total size: 12237 bytes tnftp: Error retrieving file `404 Not Found' fetch: Unable to fetch expected file roralink-0.3.0-Source.tar.gz ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Could not fetch the following file: ERROR: roralink-0.3.0-Source.tar.gz ERROR: ERROR: Please retrieve this file manually into: ERROR: /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/distfiles/ ERROR: ====================================================================== make[3]: *** [/opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/distfiles/roralink-0.3.0-Source.tar.gz] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking roralink-0.3.0-Source as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for roralink-0.3.0-Source => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for roralink-0.3.0-Source ===> Done bulk for roralink-0.3.0-Source [67%] Processing wip/ros-image-pipeline:ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry-1.12.0r1.tgz => Dependency ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package gdk-pixbuf2>=2<3: gdk-pixbuf2-2.36.11 found => Required system package gtk>=2.8.17<3: gtk-2.24.32 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package shared-mime-info: shared-mime-info-1.9 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry2>=0.5: ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-nodelet-core>=1.9: ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16 found => Required robotpkg package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Replacing python interpreter path => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 [67%] Processing wip/simbody:simbody-3.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for simbody-3.7 Binary package for simbody-3.7 is up-to-date. [67%] Processing wip/ros-moveit-msgs:ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency ros-genmsg-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-genpy-0.6.7 already installed => Dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 already installed => Dependency ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1.tgz => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required robotpkg package ros-object-recognition-msgs>=0.4.1: ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-octomap-msgs>=0.3.3: ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 [67%] Processing wip/pal-msgs:pal-msgs-0.12.14~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-msgs-0.12.14 ===> Bulk building for pal-msgs-0.12.14 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0.tgz WARNING: Cannot check installed version of py-rospkg => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package py27-rospkg>=1.0.29: py27-rospkg found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.2 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of py-rospkg => Required robotpkg package humanoid-nav-msgs>=0.1: humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-msgs-0.12.14 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-msgs-0.12.14 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-msgs-0.12.14 ===> Done bulk for pal-msgs-0.12.14 [67%] Processing wip/antlr2:antlr2-2.7.7~!doc ===> Bulk building for antlr2-2.7.7 Binary package for antlr2-2.7.7 is up-to-date. [67%] Processing wip/py-pal:py27-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py27-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [67%] Processing wip/py-pal:py310-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py310-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/py-pal:py311-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py311-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/py-pal:py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 ===> Bulk building for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-pal/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 ===> Done bulk for py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 [68%] Processing wip/py-pal:py37-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py37-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/py-pal:py38-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py38-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/py-pal:py39-pal-python-0.9.14os1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-pal-python-0.9.14os1 Binary package for py39-pal-python-0.9.14os1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/matio:matio-1.5.23r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for matio-1.5.23r1 Binary package for matio-1.5.23r1 is up-to-date. [68%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py27-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 ===> Bulk building for py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ecos-2.0.7.post1.tgz ERROR: Required robotpkg package py27-multiprocess>=0.6.1: BROKEN => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-osqp-0.6.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-scs-2.1.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 ===> Done bulk for py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py310-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-cvxpy-1.0.31 Binary package for py310-cvxpy-1.0.31 is up-to-date. [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py311-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-cvxpy-1.0.31 Binary package for py311-cvxpy-1.0.31 is up-to-date. [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py36-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 ===> Bulk building for py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-ecos-2.0.7.post1.tgz ERROR: Required robotpkg package py36-multiprocess>=0.6.1: BROKEN => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-osqp-0.6.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-scs-2.1.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 ===> Done bulk for py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py37-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-cvxpy-1.0.31 Binary package for py37-cvxpy-1.0.31 is up-to-date. [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py38-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-cvxpy-1.0.31 Binary package for py38-cvxpy-1.0.31 is up-to-date. [69%] Processing wip/py-cvxpy:py39-cvxpy-1.0.31~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-cvxpy-1.0.31 Binary package for py39-cvxpy-1.0.31 is up-to-date. [69%] Processing wip/tiago-moveit-config:tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 ===> Bulk building for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 ===> Done bulk for tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 [70%] Processing wip/talos-moveit-config:talos-moveit-config-0.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 ===> Bulk building for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-joint-state-publisher>=1.12: ros-joint-state-publisher-1.12.15 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/jrl => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 ===> Done bulk for talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 [70%] Processing wip/parametric-curves:parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for parametric-curves-1.4.4 Binary package for parametric-curves-1.4.4 is up-to-date. [70%] Processing wip/ros-pcl-msgs:ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 ===> Bulk building for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 ===> Done bulk for ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 [70%] Processing wip/ur5-description:ur5-description-1.0.1~!doc Warning: the LICENSE of wip/ur5-description is undefined. ===> Bulk building for ur5-description-1.0.1 Binary package for ur5-description-1.0.1 is up-to-date. [70%] Processing wip/aig:aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for aig-1.2.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eiquadprog-1.2.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for aig-1.2.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for aig-1.2.1 [70%] Processing wip/tiago-robot:tiago-robot-2.0.26~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-robot-2.0.26 ===> Bulk building for tiago-robot-2.0.26 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hey5-description-1.0.3.tgz => Required system package pal-gripper>=0.0.13: MISSING => Required system package pal-wsg-gripper>=0.0.7: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pmb2-robot-3.0.5.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for tiago-robot-2.0.26: ERROR: ERROR: pal-gripper>=0.0.13 ERROR: pal-wsg-gripper>=0.0.7 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/tiago-robot/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-robot-2.0.26 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-robot-2.0.26 ===> Done bulk for tiago-robot-2.0.26 [71%] Processing wip/talos-robot:talos-robot-1.1.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-robot-1.1.3 ===> Bulk building for talos-robot-1.1.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package head-action>=0.0.1: head-action-0.0.3 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tf-lookup>=0.0.1: tf-lookup-0.1.4 found WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for talos-robot-1.1.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pal => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for talos-robot-1.1.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-robot-1.1.3 ===> Done bulk for talos-robot-1.1.3 [71%] Processing wip/proxsuite:proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [71%] Processing wip/dynamic-graph-tutorial:dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [71%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [71%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [71%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [71%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [72%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [72%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [72%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-v3:py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Bulk building for py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 ===> Done bulk for py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 [72%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py27-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py27-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py27-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [72%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py310-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py310-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [72%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py311-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py311-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [72%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py36-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py36-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [73%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py37-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py37-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [73%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py38-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py38-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [73%] Processing wip/py-sl1m:py39-sl1m-0.1.1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-sl1m-0.1.1 Binary package for py39-sl1m-0.1.1 is up-to-date. [73%] Processing wip/ros-warehouse-ros:ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-class-loader-0.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry-1.12.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1.tgz => Dependency ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 already installed => Dependency ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 already installed => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package googletest: googletest found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-object-recognition-msgs>=0.4.1: ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-octomap-msgs>=0.3.3: ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-roscpp-core>=0.6: ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 [73%] Processing wip/talos-bauzil:talos-bauzil-0.1.0~!doc ===> Bulk building for talos-bauzil-0.1.0 Binary package for talos-bauzil-0.1.0 is up-to-date. [73%] Processing wip/agimus:agimus-1.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-1.0.1 ===> Bulk building for agimus-1.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0.tgz ERROR: Required robotpkg package agimus-hpp>=1.0.0: BROKEN => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for agimus-1.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-1.0.1 ===> Done bulk for agimus-1.0.1 [73%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package py27-yaml>=3: py27-yaml-3.12 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-object-recognition-msgs>=0.4.1: ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-octomap-msgs>=0.3.3: ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py310-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-py310-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 Binary package for ros-py310-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 is up-to-date. [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py311-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-py311-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 Binary package for ros-py311-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 is up-to-date. [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-catkin-pkg-0.5.2: bin/catkin_create_pkg robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py37-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-py37-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 Binary package for ros-py37-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 is up-to-date. [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py38-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-py38-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 Binary package for ros-py38-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 is up-to-date. [74%] Processing wip/ros-py-urdf-parser:ros-py39-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for ros-py39-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 Binary package for ros-py39-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 is up-to-date. [74%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py27-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-bullet3-3.24r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-crocoddyl-1.9.0r1.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-matplotlib: py27-matplotlib~wx found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package yaml-cpp>=0.5: yaml-cpp-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package ndcurves>=0.3.3: ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-bullet3>=3.24: py27-bullet3-3.24r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-crocoddyl>=0.9.0: py27-crocoddyl-1.9.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ndcurves>=1.0.0: py27-ndcurves-1.3.1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py310-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py311-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py36-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-bullet3-3.24r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-crocoddyl-2.0.2.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-ndcurves-1.3.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-matplotlib: py36-matplotlib~wx found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package yaml-cpp>=0.5: yaml-cpp-0.5.2 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package ndcurves>=0.3.3: ndcurves-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package py36-bullet3>=3.24: py36-bullet3-3.24r1 found => Required robotpkg package py36-crocoddyl>=0.9.0: py36-crocoddyl-2.0.2 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-ndcurves>=1.0.0: py36-ndcurves-1.3.1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | compilation terminated. | CMakeFiles/sobec.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/sobec.dir/src/walk-with-traj/model_factory.cpp.o' failed | make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/sobec.dir/src/walk-with-traj/model_factory.cpp.o] Error 1 | make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/sobec.dir/all] Error 2 | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sobec/work/sobec-1.4.0' | make: *** [all] Error 2 | CMakeFiles/Makefile2:511: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/sobec.dir/all' failed => Marking py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 as broken | make[1]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sobec/work/sobec-1.4.0' | Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sobec/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-make(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sobec/work/sobec-1.4.0)] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py37-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py38-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/py-sobec:py39-sobec-1.4.0r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 [75%] Processing wip/dynacom:dynacom-1.2.0r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynacom-1.2.0r2 ===> Bulk building for dynacom-1.2.0r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aig-1.2.1.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency eiquadprog-1.2.8 already installed => Dependency example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package aig>=1.0.0: aig-1.2.1 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for dynacom-1.2.0r2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for dynacom-1.2.0r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for dynacom-1.2.0r2 ===> Done bulk for dynacom-1.2.0r2 [76%] Processing wip/pal-hardware-gazebo:pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 ===> Bulk building for pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Required robotpkg package dynamic-introspection>=1.0.5: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 ===> Done bulk for pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 [76%] Processing wip/tiago-description-calibration:tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 ===> Bulk building for tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/play-motion-0.4.10.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-robot>=0.0.35: N/A => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 ===> Done bulk for tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 [76%] Processing wip/cppadcodegen:cppadcodegen-2.4.3~!doc ===> Bulk building for cppadcodegen-2.4.3 Binary package for cppadcodegen-2.4.3 is up-to-date. [76%] Processing wip/py-aig:py27-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-aig-1.2.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aig-1.2.1.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency eiquadprog-1.2.8 already installed => Dependency example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package aig>=1.0.0: aig-1.2.1 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-aig-1.2.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-aig-1.2.1 [76%] Processing wip/py-aig:py310-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py310-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py310-aig-1.2.1 [76%] Processing wip/py-aig:py311-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py311-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py311-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-aig:py36-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py36-aig-1.2.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aig-1.2.1.tgz WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Dependency eiquadprog-1.2.8 already installed => Dependency example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package aig>=1.0.0: aig-1.2.1 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-aig-1.2.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py36-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-aig:py37-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py37-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py37-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-aig:py38-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py38-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py38-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-aig:py39-aig-1.2.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py39-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py39-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-aig:py312-aig>=1.0.0 ===> Cleaning temporary files for py312-aig-1.2.1 ===> Bulk building for py312-aig-1.2.1 ERROR: This package cannot be extracted for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found among ERROR: python27 python36 python37 python38 python39 python310 python311 python312 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:204: recipe for target 'cbeh' failed make[2]: *** [cbeh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py312-aig-1.2.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py312-aig-1.2.1 ===> Done bulk for py312-aig-1.2.1 [77%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5.tgz => Dependency dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-tutorial>=1.2.1: dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [77%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5.tgz => Dependency dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-tutorial>=1.2.1: dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-tutorial:py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Bulk building for py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 ===> Done bulk for py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 [78%] Processing wip/ros-perception-pcl:ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 ===> Bulk building for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry-1.12.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libpcl>=1: libpcl-1.8.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-nodelet-core>=1.9: ros-nodelet-core-1.9.16 found => Required robotpkg package ros-pcl-msgs>=0.2.0: ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 ===> Done bulk for ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 [78%] Processing wip/docopt-cpp:docopt-cpp-0.6.3~!doc ===> Bulk building for docopt-cpp-0.6.3 Binary package for docopt-cpp-0.6.3 is up-to-date. [79%] Processing wip/talos-simulation:talos-simulation-0.1.8r2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 ===> Bulk building for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-moveit-config-0.3.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-robot-1.1.3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package head-action>=0.0.1: head-action-0.0.3 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-gazebo-plugins>=2.0.0: pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.3 found => Required system package pal-gazebo-worlds>=2.0.0: pal-gazebo-worlds-2.0.43 found => Required system package pal-hardware-gazebo>=1.0.0: pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins>=0.0.3: prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-controllers>=0.2.8: py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.4.4 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required robotpkg package talos-moveit-config>=0.2.3: talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 found => Required robotpkg package talos-robot>=0.0.14: talos-robot-1.1.3 found WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: Using talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: Using talos-robot-1.1.3 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: talos-moveit-config-0.3.4 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: talos-robot-1.1.21 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pal => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 ===> Done bulk for talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 [79%] Processing wip/tiago-simulation:tiago-simulation-2.0.21~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-simulation-2.0.21 ===> Bulk building for tiago-simulation-2.0.21 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/play-motion-0.4.10.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-description-calibration>=0.0.6: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-robot>=0.0.35: N/A => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-simulation-2.0.21 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-simulation-2.0.21 ===> Done bulk for tiago-simulation-2.0.21 [79%] Processing wip/ros-srdfdom:ros-srdfdom-0.5.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 ===> Bulk building for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-console-bridge-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-urdf-1.13.1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required system package urdfdom-headers>=0.2.2: urdfdom-headers-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-console-bridge>=0.4: ros-console-bridge-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-py27-urdf-parser>=0.4.0: ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-urdf>=1.12: ros-urdf-1.13.1 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 ===> Done bulk for ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 [79%] Processing wip/ros-moveit-resources:ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 ===> Bulk building for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-joint-state-publisher-1.12.13.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-robot-state-publisher-1.13.6r2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-xacro-1.13.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-joint-state-publisher>=1.12: ros-joint-state-publisher-1.12.13 found => Required robotpkg package ros-robot-state-publisher>=1.9: ros-robot-state-publisher-1.13.6r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-warehouse-ros>=0.9.2: ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-xacro>=1.12: ros-xacro-1.13.2 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 ===> Done bulk for ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 [79%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py310-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py310-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py310-dynacom-1.2.0 [79%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py311-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py311-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py311-dynacom-1.2.0 [79%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py312-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py312-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py312-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python312 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py312-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py312-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py312-dynacom-1.2.0 [80%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py36-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aig-1.2.1.tgz WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynacom-1.2.0r2.tgz => Dependency eiquadprog-1.2.8 already installed => Dependency example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc already installed => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-aig-1.2.1.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Dependency py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 already installed => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=3 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package boostlib-unit_test_framework>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package aig>=1.0.0: aig-1.2.1 found => Required robotpkg package dynacom>=1.2.0: dynacom-1.2.0r2 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-aig>=1.0.0: py36-aig-1.2.1 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py36-dynacom-1.2.0 [80%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py37-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py37-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py37-dynacom-1.2.0 [80%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py38-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py38-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py38-dynacom-1.2.0 [80%] Processing wip/py-dynacom:py39-dynacom-1.2.0~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Bulk building for py39-dynacom-1.2.0 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-dynacom-1.2.0 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynacom-1.2.0 ===> Done bulk for py39-dynacom-1.2.0 [80%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py27-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-opensim-core-4.4 ===> Bulk building for py27-opensim-core-4.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/docopt-cpp-0.6.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-casadi-3.5.5r4.tgz => Dependency simbody-3.7 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=3.15: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package docopt-cpp>=0.6.3: docopt-cpp-0.6.3 found => Required robotpkg package py27-casadi>=3.4.5: py27-casadi-3.5.5r4 found => Required robotpkg package simbody>=3.7: simbody-3.7 found WARNING: Using simbody in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: simbody in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | See also "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/opensim-core-4.4/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". | spdlogConfig.cmake | spdlog-config.cmake | | Add the installation prefix of "spdlog" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set | "spdlog_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "spdlog" | provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been | installed. | | For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/configure.log make[3]: *** [do-configure-cmake(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/opensim-core-4.4)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py27-opensim-core-4.4 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-opensim-core-4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-opensim-core-4.4 ===> Done bulk for py27-opensim-core-4.4 [80%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py310-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-opensim-core-4.4 Binary package for py310-opensim-core-4.4 is up-to-date. [80%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py311-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-opensim-core-4.4 Binary package for py311-opensim-core-4.4 is up-to-date. [81%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py36-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-opensim-core-4.4 ===> Bulk building for py36-opensim-core-4.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/docopt-cpp-0.6.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-casadi-3.5.5r4.tgz => Dependency simbody-3.7 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package cmake>=3.15: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required robotpkg package docopt-cpp>=0.6.3: docopt-cpp-0.6.3 found => Required robotpkg package py36-casadi>=3.4.5: py36-casadi-3.5.5r4 found => Required robotpkg package simbody>=3.7: simbody-3.7 found WARNING: Using simbody in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: simbody in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | spdlogConfig.cmake | spdlog-config.cmake | | See also "/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/opensim-core-4.4/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". | Add the installation prefix of "spdlog" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set | "spdlog_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "spdlog" | provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been | installed. | | For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/configure.log make[3]: *** [do-configure-cmake(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/opensim-core/work/opensim-core-4.4)] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 => Marking py36-opensim-core-4.4 as broken ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-opensim-core-4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-opensim-core-4.4 ===> Done bulk for py36-opensim-core-4.4 [81%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py37-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-opensim-core-4.4 Binary package for py37-opensim-core-4.4 is up-to-date. [81%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py38-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-opensim-core-4.4 Binary package for py38-opensim-core-4.4 is up-to-date. [81%] Processing wip/opensim-core:py39-opensim-core-4.4~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-opensim-core-4.4 Binary package for py39-opensim-core-4.4 is up-to-date. [81%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [81%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [81%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [82%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py36-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [82%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [82%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [82%] Processing wip/py-sot-core-v3:py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 [82%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [82%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/py-parametric-curves:py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Bulk building for py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 ===> Done bulk for py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 [83%] Processing wip/pal-navigation-sm:pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 ===> Bulk building for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pal-python-0.9.14os1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pal-python>=0.9.14os1: py27-pal-python-0.9.14os1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 ===> Done bulk for pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 [83%] Processing wip/py-pycppad:pycppad-1.2.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for pycppad-1.2.2 ===> Bulk building for pycppad-1.2.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/cppad-20220000.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/cppadcodegen-2.4.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-eigenpy-3.3.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package cppad>=20200000.2: cppad-20220000.4 found => Required robotpkg package cppadcodegen>=2.3.0: cppadcodegen-2.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for pycppad-1.2.2 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for pycppad-1.2.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for pycppad-1.2.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for pycppad-1.2.2 ===> Done bulk for pycppad-1.2.2 [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py310-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py310-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py311-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py311-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py312-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py312-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py312-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py36-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py36-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py36-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py37-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py37-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py38-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py38-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [84%] Processing wip/py-proxsuite:py39-proxsuite-0.2.13r1~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 Binary package for py39-proxsuite-0.2.13r1 is up-to-date. [85%] Processing wip/ros-moveit:ros-moveit-0.10.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 ===> Bulk building for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/fcl-0.5.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ompl-1.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/orocos-kdl-1.4.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-actionlib-1.12.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-angles-1.9.11.tgz => Dependency py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 already installed => Dependency ros-class-loader-0.4.1 already installed => Dependency ros-comm-1.14.11r3 already installed => Dependency ros-comm-msgs-1.11.2r1 already installed => Dependency ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 already installed => Dependency ros-console-1.13.7r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-control-0.17.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-control-msgs-1.4.0.tgz => Dependency ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-eigen-stl-containers-0.1.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometric-shapes-0.6.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry-1.12.0r1.tgz => Dependency ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-image-common-1.11.13.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-interactive-markers-1.11.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-kdl-parser-1.13.1r2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5.tgz => Dependency ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 already installed => Dependency ros-random-numbers-0.3.2 already installed => Dependency ros-ros-1.14.4r1 already installed => Dependency ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-rviz-1.13.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-srdfdom-0.5.1.tgz => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-urdf-1.13.1 already installed => Dependency ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 already installed => Dependency ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 already installed => Dependency ros-xacro-1.13.2 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package glew>=1.5: glew-2.0.0 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package tinyxml2>=2: tinyxml2-6.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package fcl>=0.5.0: fcl-0.5.0 found => Required robotpkg package ompl>=0.12.2: ompl-1.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package orocos-kdl>=1.1: orocos-kdl-1.4.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package robot-capsule-urdf>=1.0: robot-capsule-urdf-1.0.1r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-angles>=1.9: ros-angles-1.9.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm-msgs>=1.10.3: ros-comm-msgs-1.11.2r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-console>=1.13: ros-console-1.13.7r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-control>=0.11: ros-control-0.17.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-control-msgs>=1.4: ros-control-msgs-1.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-dynamic-reconfigure>=1.5.32: ros-dynamic-reconfigure-1.5.49r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-eigen-stl-containers>=0.1: ros-eigen-stl-containers-0.1.8 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometric-shapes>=0.5: ros-geometric-shapes-0.6.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry2>=0.5: ros-geometry2-0.6.5r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-image-common>=1.11: ros-image-common-1.11.13 found => Required robotpkg package ros-interactive-markers>=1.11: ros-interactive-markers-1.11.4 found => Required robotpkg package ros-kdl-parser>=1.12: ros-kdl-parser-1.13.1r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-moveit-msgs>=0.10.0: ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-moveit-resources>=0.6.4: ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 found => Required robotpkg package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-random-numbers>=0.1: ros-random-numbers-0.3.2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-roscpp-core>=0.6: ros-roscpp-core-0.6.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-rviz>=1.9: ros-rviz-1.13.2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-srdfdom>=0.4.2: ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-urdf>=1.12: ros-urdf-1.13.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-vision-opencv>=1.12: ros-vision-opencv-1.13.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-warehouse-ros>=0.9.2: ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-xacro>=1.12: ros-xacro-1.13.2 found WARNING: Using fcl in /opt/openrobots WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: fcl in /usr WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 ===> Done bulk for ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 [85%] Processing wip/sot-torque-control:sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package ddp-actuator-solver>=1.0.0: ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package tsid>=1.6.0: tsid-1.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [85%] Processing wip/sot-pattern-generator-v3:sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package eigen-quadprog>=1.0.0: eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package jrl-walkgen-v3>=4.0.0: jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [85%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-fcl>=1.2.0: py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [85%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [85%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [85%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-3.6: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python36>=3.6<3.7 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py36-numpy>=1: py36-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python36>=3.6<3.7: python36-3.6.9 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py36-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-hpp-fcl>=1.2.0: py36-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py36-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [86%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [86%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [86%] Processing wip/py-sot-tools-v3:py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 [86%] Processing wip/sot-talos-balance:sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eiquadprog-1.2.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package ddp-actuator-solver>=1.0.0: ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package tsid>=1.6.0: tsid-1.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [86%] Processing wip/ros-aicp-mapping:ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 ===> Bulk building for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/libnabo-1.0.7.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/libpointmatcher-1.3.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-comm-1.14.11r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-common-msgs-1.12.6.tgz => Dependency ros-genmsg-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency ros-genpy-0.6.7 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-geometry-1.12.0r1.tgz => Dependency ros-message-generation-0.4.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2.tgz => Dependency ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.60: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libpcl>=1: libpcl-1.8.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package opencv3>=3: opencv3-3.2.0 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required robotpkg package libnabo>=1.0.7: libnabo-1.0.7 found => Required robotpkg package libpointmatcher>=1.3.1: libpointmatcher-1.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required robotpkg package ros-cmake-modules>=0.3: ros-cmake-modules-0.4.1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.11r3 found => Required robotpkg package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.6 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.11 found => Required robotpkg package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.7 found => Required robotpkg package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.0r1 found => Required robotpkg package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package ros-perception-pcl>=1.7.0: ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 found => Required robotpkg package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.11 found WARNING: Using py27-catkin-pkg-0.5.2 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: py-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 in /usr => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 ===> Done bulk for ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 [86%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package bullet>=2.75: bullet-2.87 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-geometry2>=0.5: ros-geometry2-0.6.5 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-realtime-tools>=1.8.2: ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1 found => Required system package ros-roscpp-core>=0.6: ros-roscpp-core-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-rospack>=2.4: ros-rospack-2.5.6 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-fcl>=1.2.0: py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found WARNING: Using octomap-1.8.1 in /usr WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: octomap-1.9.0 in /opt/ros/melodic => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [86%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3:py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Bulk building for py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 ===> Done bulk for py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 [87%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aruco-ros-0.2.4.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/play-motion-0.4.10.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-robot>=0.0.35: N/A => Required robotpkg package tiago-simulation>=2.0.6: N/A => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [87%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20091122: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/aruco-ros-0.2.4.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/play-motion-0.4.10.tgz => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-robot>=0.0.35: N/A => Required robotpkg package tiago-simulation>=2.0.6: N/A => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-tiago-tutorials/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/py-tiago-tutorials:py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Bulk building for py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 ===> Done bulk for py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 [88%] Processing wip/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Dependency qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-torque-control-1.6.5.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package ddp-actuator-solver>=1.0.0: ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-example-robot-data>=3.6.0: py27-example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-parametric-curves>=1.0.0: py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-tsid>=1.6.0: py27-tsid-1.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package sot-torque-control>=1.0.0: sot-torque-control-1.6.5 found => Required robotpkg package tsid>=1.6.0: tsid-1.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Dependency py36-pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Dependency qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-torque-control-1.6.5.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [89%] Processing wip/py-sot-torque-control:py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package eigen-quadprog>=1.0.0: eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1 found => Required robotpkg package example-robot-data>=3.6.0: example-robot-data-4.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package jrl-walkgen-v3>=4.0.0: jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package sot-pattern-generator-v3>=2.10: sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eigen-quadprog-1.0.1r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/example-robot-data-4.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8.tgz => Dependency pinocchio-2.7.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [90%] Processing wip/py-sot-pattern-generator-v3:py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 [91%] Processing wip/agimus-sot:agimus-sot-1.0.2r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 ===> Bulk building for agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Dependency py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-manipulation-corba-4.15.1r1~doc.tgz => Dependency py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required robotpkg package agimus-sot-msgs>=1.0.0: agimus-sot-msgs-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-manipulation-corba>=4.11.0: py27-hpp-manipulation-corba-4.15.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK An unexpected error occured. The last 10 log lines are shown below. | make -f src/CMakeFiles/_local_robotpkg_var_tmp_robotpkg_wip_agimus-sot_work_agimus-sot-1.0.2_src_agimus_sot_task_grasp.pyc.dir/build.make src/CMakeFiles/_local_robotpkg_var_tmp_robotpkg_wip_agimus-sot_work_agimus-sot-1.0.2_src_agimus_sot_task_grasp.pyc.dir/build | make[2]: Entering directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2' | cd /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2/src && /usr/bin/python2.7 /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2/cmake/compile.py /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2/src /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2/src agimus_sot/task/grasp.py => Marking agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 as broken | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2' | [ 14%] Built target _local_robotpkg_var_tmp_robotpkg_wip_agimus-sot_work_agimus-sot-1.0.2_src_agimus_sot_task___init__.pyc | make[2]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2' | [ 14%] Built target _local_robotpkg_var_tmp_robotpkg_wip_agimus-sot_work_agimus-sot-1.0.2_src_agimus_sot_task_grasp.pyc | make[1]: Leaving directory '/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2' | Makefile:162: recipe for target 'all' failed | make: *** [all] Error 2 For details or bug reports, check the complete log file in: /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/build.log make[3]: *** [do-build-make(/local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/agimus-sot/work/agimus-sot-1.0.2)] Error 2 make[2]: *** [pkg-check-installed] Error 2 ERROR: make: *** [package] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 ===> Done bulk for agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eiquadprog-1.2.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-talos-balance-2.0.5.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package ddp-actuator-solver>=1.0.0: ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package eiquadprog>=1.2.0: eiquadprog-1.2.8 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-parametric-curves>=1.0.0: py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-tsid>=1.6.0: py27-tsid-1.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package sot-talos-balance>=2.0.0: sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 found => Required robotpkg package tsid>=1.6.0: tsid-1.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/eiquadprog-1.2.8.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-talos-balance-2.0.5.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [91%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [92%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos-balance:py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 [92%] Processing wip/sot-hrp2-v3:sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 ===> Bulk building for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Dependency py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found WARNING: Using octomap-1.8.1 in /usr WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: octomap-1.9.0 in /opt/ros/melodic => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 ===> Done bulk for sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 [92%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Dependency py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=4.8 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package bullet>=2.75: bullet-2.87 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=4.8: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-hardware-interfaces>=0.0.3: pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 found => Required system package pal-msgs>=0.11.3: pal-msgs-0.13.8 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-controllers>=0.2.8: py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.4.4 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-msgs>=1.4: ros-control-msgs-1.5.1 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-realtime-tools>=1.8.2: ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1 found => Required system package ros-roscpp-core>=0.6: ros-roscpp-core-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-rospack>=2.4: ros-rospack-2.5.6 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found WARNING: Using bullet-2.87 in /usr WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: Using ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: bullet-2.87 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: ros-realtime-tools-1.15.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Applying robotpkg patches for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [92%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [92%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [92%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package patch>=2.0: patch-2.7.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Required system package py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2: MISSING => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Required system package py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Required system package py36-ros-catkin>=0.7: MISSING => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: MISSING => Required system package ros-control-msgs>=1.4: MISSING => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2: ERROR: ERROR: py36-catkin-pkg>=0.2 (Ubuntu package python3-catkin-pkg) ERROR: py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2 ERROR: py36-ros-catkin>=0.7 ERROR: ros-common-msgs>=1.12 ERROR: ros-control-msgs>=1.4 ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-roscontrol-sot/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [92%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [93%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [93%] Processing wip/py-roscontrol-sot:py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Bulk building for py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 ===> Done bulk for py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 [93%] Processing wip/tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot:tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 ===> Bulk building for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-hardware-interfaces>=0.0.3: pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-controllers>=0.2.8: py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.4.4 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-roscontrol-sot>=0.2.0: py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 found WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 ===> Done bulk for tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 [93%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [93%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [93%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [93%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3:py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz => Dependency py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 already installed => Dependency sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [94%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.3.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-application-v3:py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Dependency py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 already installed => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1.tgz => Dependency py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 already installed => Dependency sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-data-1.1.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-application-v3>=1.1.0: py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => Required robotpkg package tiago-data>=0.0.1: tiago-data-1.1.0 found WARNING: Using octomap-1.8.1 in /usr WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: octomap-1.9.0 in /opt/ros/melodic => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [95%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [96%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.7.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.3.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-data-1.1.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2: ERROR: ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sot-tiago/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [96%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [96%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [96%] Processing wip/py-sot-tiago:py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 [96%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-pinocchio-2.6.21.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5.tgz => Dependency py27-tsid-1.7.0 already installed => Dependency qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/simple-humanoid-description-1.2.0.tgz => Dependency sot-torque-control-1.6.5 already installed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package py-sphinx>=1.1: py-sphinx-1.6.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package ddp-actuator-solver>=1.0.0: ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package parametric-curves>=1.0.0: parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-fcl>=1.2.0: py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-parametric-curves>=1.0.0: py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-torque-control>=1.0.0: py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-tsid>=1.6.0: py27-tsid-1.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package qpoases>=3.2: qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc found => Required robotpkg package simple-humanoid-description>=1.1.0: simple-humanoid-description-1.2.0 found => Required robotpkg package sot-torque-control>=1.0.0: sot-torque-control-1.6.5 found => Required robotpkg package tsid>=1.6.0: tsid-1.7.0 found => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [96%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [96%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [97%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3.tgz => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.2.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-tsid-1.7.0.tgz => Dependency qpoases-3.2.1r1~doc already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/simple-humanoid-description-1.2.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-torque-control-1.6.5.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Dependency tsid-1.7.0 already installed WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [97%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [97%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [97%] Processing wip/py-talos-torque-control:py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Bulk building for py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 ===> Done bulk for py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 [97%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py27-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Dependency py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 already installed => Dependency py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Dependency py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 already installed => Dependency py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1.tgz => Dependency py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 already installed => Dependency py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pyrene-motions-1.0.0.tgz => Dependency sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-data-2.1.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-python>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=3.1.0: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package doxygen>=1.5: doxygen-1.8.13 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package graphviz>=2: graphviz-2.40.1 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package octomap>=1.6.0: octomap-1.8.1 found => Required system package pdflatex: pdflatex found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-numpy>=1: py27-numpy-1.13.3 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required system package tinyxml>=2: tinyxml-2.6.2 found => Required system package urdfdom>=0.2.8: urdfdom-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs>=0.2.0: dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1 found => Required robotpkg package dynamic-graph-v3>=4.3.0: dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3 found => Required robotpkg package hpp-fcl>=1.4: hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc found => Required robotpkg package pinocchio>=2.3<3.0.0: pinocchio-2.7.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-v3>=4.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 found => Required robotpkg package py27-eigenpy>=2.7.10: py27-eigenpy-3.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-hpp-fcl>=1.2.0: py27-hpp-fcl-2.4.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-pinocchio>=2.0.0<3.0.0: py27-pinocchio-2.6.21 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-application-v3>=1.1.0: py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0: py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-tools-v3>=2.0: py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 found => Required robotpkg package pyrene-motions>=1.0.0: pyrene-motions-1.0.0 found => Required robotpkg package sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0: sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 found => Required robotpkg package talos-data>=2.0.0: talos-data-2.1.0 found WARNING: Using octomap-1.8.1 in /usr WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: octomap-1.9.0 in /opt/ros/melodic => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files WARNING: 9 files leftover. => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 [97%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py310-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python310 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 [97%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py311-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python311 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 [98%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py36-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found WARNING: Cannot check installed version of boost-lib-python => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-0.3.4r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/dynamic-graph-v3-4.4.3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/hpp-fcl-2.4.0~doc.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Required robotpkg package py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11.tgz => Dependency py36-eigenpy-3.3.0 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-hpp-fcl-2.4.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-pinocchio-2.7.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.7.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3>=3.2.0<4.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.3.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/pyrene-motions-1.0.0.tgz => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py27-sot-core-v3>=4.11.7<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-data-2.1.0.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2: ERROR: ERROR: ros-std-msgs>=0.5 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-sot-talos/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 [98%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py37-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python37 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 [98%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py38-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python38 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 [98%] Processing wip/py-sot-talos:py39-sot-talos-1.3.2~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Bulk building for py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 ERROR: This package cannot be built for the following reason: ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: No acceptable python alternatives could be found ERROR: PREFER_ALTERNATIVE.python = python27 python36 ERROR: ERROR: Suggested value: python39 ERROR: ERROR: ====================================================================== /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/mk/internal/can-be-built-here.mk:221: recipe for target 'cbbh' failed make[2]: *** [cbbh] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 ===> Done bulk for py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 [98%] Processing wip/talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot:talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 ===> Bulk building for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 => Checking for clear installation => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/digest-20080510.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tnftp-20151004~ssl.tgz => Required robotpkg package digest>=20080510: digest-20080510 found => Required robotpkg package tnftp>=20130505~ssl: tnftp-20151004~ssl found => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pax and tar archivers: pax found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Dependency digest-20080510 already installed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-talos-1.3.2.tgz => Dependency tnftp-20151004~ssl already installed => Building with no option. => Use the GNU C++ compiler: c++-compiler provided by g++>=3 => Use the GNU C compiler: c-compiler provided by gcc>=3 => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package boost-headers>=1.34.1: boost-headers-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-filesystem>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-iostreams>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-math>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package boostlib-thread>=1.34.1: boost-libs-1.65.1 found => Required system package cmake>=2.8.3: cmake-3.19.2 found => Required system package eigen3>=3.0.0: eigen3-3.3.4 found => Required system package g++>=3: g++-7 found => Required system package gcc>=3: gcc-7 found => Required system package libstdc++: libstdc++ found => Required system package pal-hardware-interfaces>=0.0.3: pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 found => Required system package pkg-config>=0.22: pkg-config-0.29.1 found => Required system package py27-catkin-pkg>=0.2: py27-catkin-pkg-0.4.22 found => Required system package py27-empy>=3: py27-empy-3.3.2 found => Required system package py27-nose>=0.10: py27-nose-1.3.7 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-controllers>=0.2.8: py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.4.4 found => Required system package py27-pyparsing>=1: py27-pyparsing-2.4.7 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-actionlib>=1.11: ros-actionlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package py27-ros-catkin>=0.7: py27-ros-catkin-0.7.29 found => Required system package ros-class-loader>=0.3: ros-class-loader-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-comm>=1.13: ros-comm-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-common-msgs>=1.12: ros-common-msgs-1.12.7 found => Required system package ros-control-toolbox>=1.15: ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 found => Required system package ros-genmsg>=0.5<0.7: ros-genmsg-0.5.16 found => Required system package ros-genpy>=0.6<0.7: ros-genpy-0.6.14 found => Required system package ros-geometry>=1.11: ros-geometry-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-message-generation>=0.4: ros-message-generation-0.4.1 found => Required system package ros-message-runtime>=0.4<0.5: ros-message-runtime-0.4.12 found => Required system package ros-pluginlib>=1.10: ros-pluginlib-1.12.1 found => Required system package ros-ros>=1.14: ros-ros-1.14.9 found => Required system package ros-std-msgs>=0.5: ros-std-msgs-0.5.12 found => Required robotpkg package py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3>=3.0.0: py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-roscontrol-sot>=0.2.0: py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-talos>=1.1.0: py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 found WARNING: Using ros-control-toolbox-1.18.2 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: ros-control-toolbox-1.15.5 in /opt/pal/ferrum => SHA1 checksums OK => RMD160 checksums OK => Running PRE-INSTALL script actions => Running POST-INSTALL script actions => Compiling python files => Adding run-time search paths to pkg-config files => Registering installation for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/jrl => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 ===> Done bulk for talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 [98%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py27-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-talos-dev-20201126 ===> Bulk building for py27-talos-dev-20201126 => Checking for clear installation => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-talos-1.3.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-bauzil-0.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-simulation-0.1.8r2.tgz => Use python-2.7: python>=2.5<3.12 provided by python27>=2.7<2.8 => Required system package py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1: py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 found => Required system package py27-prf-ros-control>=0.2: py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 found => Required system package python27>=2.7<2.8: python27-2.7.17 found => Required system package ros-image-pipeline>=1.14.0: ros-image-pipeline-1.15.0 found => Required system package ros-robot-state-publisher>=1.9: ros-robot-state-publisher-1.14.1 found => Required robotpkg package humanoid-nav-msgs>=0.1: humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3>=2.10: py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-talos>=1.1.0: py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 found => Required robotpkg package py27-sot-talos-balance>=2.0.0: py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 found => Required robotpkg package py27-talos-torque-control>=1.0.0: py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 found => Required robotpkg package talos-bauzil>=0.1.0: talos-bauzil-0.1.0 found => Required robotpkg package talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot>=0.0.1: talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 found => Required robotpkg package talos-simulation>=0.0.13: talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 found WARNING: Using humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: Using py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: Using talos-simulation-0.1.8 in /opt/openrobots WARNING: The following packages may interfere with the build because they WARNING: are located in paths used by other dependencies: WARNING: humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0 in /opt/pal/ferrum WARNING: py-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-2.8.7 in /opt/ros/melodic WARNING: talos-simulation-0.2.2 in /opt/pal/ferrum => Compiling python files => Registering installation for py27-talos-dev-20201126 => Linking package in /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/pub => Updating debian binary packages ===> Logging bulk summary for py27-talos-dev-20201126 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py27-talos-dev-20201126 ===> Done bulk for py27-talos-dev-20201126 [98%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py310-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Bulk building for py310-talos-dev-20201126 Binary package for py310-talos-dev-20201126 is up-to-date. [99%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py311-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Bulk building for py311-talos-dev-20201126 Binary package for py311-talos-dev-20201126 is up-to-date. [99%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py36-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-talos-dev-20201126 ===> Bulk building for py36-talos-dev-20201126 => Checking for clear installation => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/humanoid-nav-msgs-0.3.0.tgz => Required system package py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1: MISSING => Required system package py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.1.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Required robotpkg package py36-sot-talos>=1.1.0: N/A => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.3.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.0.tgz robotpkg_add: Conflicting PLIST with py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1: include/sot/core/abstract-sot-external-interface.hh robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency sot-core-v3>=4.1.0<5.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: Can't install dependency py36-sot-torque-control>=1.0.0 robotpkg_add: Expected dependency py36-sot-torque-control>=1.0.0 still missing robotpkg_add: 1 package addition failed => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-bauzil-0.1.0.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/talos-simulation-0.1.8r2.tgz ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for py36-talos-dev-20201126: ERROR: ERROR: py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs>=3.0.1 ERROR: py36-prf-ros-control>=0.2 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/py-talos-dev/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for py36-talos-dev-20201126 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for py36-talos-dev-20201126 ===> Done bulk for py36-talos-dev-20201126 [99%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py37-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Bulk building for py37-talos-dev-20201126 Binary package for py37-talos-dev-20201126 is up-to-date. [99%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py38-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Bulk building for py38-talos-dev-20201126 Binary package for py38-talos-dev-20201126 is up-to-date. [99%] Processing wip/py-talos-dev:py39-talos-dev-20201126~!doc ===> Bulk building for py39-talos-dev-20201126 Binary package for py39-talos-dev-20201126 is up-to-date. [99%] Processing wip/tiago-dev:tiago-dev-20190516r1~!doc ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-dev-20190516r1 ===> Bulk building for tiago-dev-20190516r1 => Checking for clear installation => Required system package gnupg>=1: gnupg-2.2.4 found => Required system package gzip: gzip-1.6 found => Required system package pkg_install>=20110805.12: pkg_install-20211115.2 found => Required system package pkgrepo2deb>=1.9: pkgrepo2deb-1.12 found => Required system package pal-wsg-gripper>=0.0.7: MISSING => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2.tgz => Installing /opt/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/wip/packages/bsd/Ubuntu-18.04.pal-x86_64/All/tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6.tgz => Required robotpkg package tiago-simulation>=2.0.6: N/A ERROR: ====================================================================== ERROR: Missing system packages required for tiago-dev-20190516r1: ERROR: ERROR: pal-wsg-gripper>=0.0.7 ERROR: ERROR: Please use the system package management tool to install these ERROR: dependencies. If a robotpkg version of a dependency is available, ERROR: you can configure robotpkg.conf to use this version instead. ERROR: ERROR: See /local/robotpkg/var/tmp/robotpkg/wip/tiago-dev/work/sysdep.log for details. ERROR: ====================================================================== make[2]: *** [sys-depends] Error 2 ===> Logging bulk summary for tiago-dev-20190516r1 => Checking leftover files => Creating bulk log files => Logging bulk metadata ===> Cleaning temporary files for tiago-dev-20190516r1 ===> Done bulk for tiago-dev-20190516r1 ===> Done bulk for rbulk wip set 23078.07user 2097.82system 3:25:29elapsed 204%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 4790244maxresident)k 8797160inputs+4359504outputs (2023major+620355614minor)pagefaults 0swaps --- Updating bulk database --------------------------------------- Collecting session logs in /local/robotpkg/var/log/bulk updated py36-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py311-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated py38-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated py38-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py39-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated py27-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py27-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py310-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated ros-octomap-msgs-0.3.3r1 updated py38-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py38-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated py310-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py36-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 updated py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py36-qpoases-3.2.1 updated py39-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated pal-transmissions-0.2.4 updated ouster-gazebo-simulation-2.1.2 updated pal-hardware-interfaces-0.0.4 updated py27-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated py311-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated mraa-1.9.0 updated py311-aig-1.2.1 updated talos-moveit-config-0.3.2 updated py39-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated py38-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py311-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py37-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated py36-talos-dev-20201126 updated py310-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated ros-swri-roscpp-2.3.0 updated py310-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py27-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated qpmad-1.1.1 updated py310-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated ros-perception-pcl-1.7.0r2 updated py312-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py27-bmtools-1.0.1 updated ddp-actuator-solver-1.2.3 updated pmb2-simulation-2.0.12 updated py38-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated tiago-simulation-2.0.21 updated py310-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated py36-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py310-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py38-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated py27-multiprocess-0.70.14 updated dynamic-introspection-1.0.12 updated ros-pcl-msgs-0.2.0 updated dynacom-1.2.0r2 updated py37-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py311-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py310-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated py311-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated tiago-dev-20190516r1 updated py27-ros-baxter-common-1.2.0r1 updated osg-dae-3.2.1r4 updated py39-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py37-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated py37-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py36-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py311-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated py311-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated py38-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated py27-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated ros-image-pipeline-1.14.0 updated py311-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated ros-moveit-0.10.5r1 updated py27-cvxpy-1.0.31 updated pal-navigation-sm-0.1.7os1r1 updated py39-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated pmb2-navigation-2.0.1 updated py37-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py27-qpoases-3.2.1 updated py36-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py39-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated tiago-description-calibration-0.0.6r1 updated py38-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py311-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py311-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py39-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated py39-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated py27-talos-dev-20201126 updated py39-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated jrl-walkgen-v3-4.2.8 updated tiago-moveit-config-1.0.2 updated py37-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated py36-dynacom-1.2.0 updated play-motion-0.4.10 updated pycppad-1.2.2 updated py37-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py310-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated pal-gripper-0.0.13 updated py38-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py310-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated agimus-vision-1.0.0 updated py36-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated py311-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py37-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated pal-hardware-gazebo-1.0.0 updated py27-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py36-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated py311-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated py27-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated py37-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated py311-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py39-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py27-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated py39-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py310-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py36-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated py27-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated tiago-robot-2.0.26 updated py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py36-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py38-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated py310-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py311-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py311-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated head-action-0.0.1r5 updated py36-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py311-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated tf-lookup-0.0.1r1 updated py311-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated py310-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated tiago-metapkg-ros-control-sot-1.0.6 updated py39-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py36-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py39-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py310-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated ros-four-wheel-steering-msgs-1.0.0 updated simple-grasping-action-1.0.1r2 updated py38-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py27-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated py38-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated ros-urdf-geometry-parser-0.0.3 updated py310-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py36-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated aruco-ros-0.2.4 updated py39-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated py39-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py39-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py37-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py27-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py27-mpi-cmake-modules-1.0.0r1 updated py36-sot-application-v3-1.2.8r1 updated py27-sot-core-v3-4.11.8r1 updated py38-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py36-opensim-core-4.4 updated py36-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated py311-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated tiago-data-1.1.0 updated morse-ros-1.4 updated py37-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py37-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py36-aig-1.2.1 updated pal-wsg-gripper-0.0.9r1 updated rviz-plugin-covariance-0.0.6os1r1 updated py311-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated aig-1.2.1 updated pal-gazebo-plugins-2.0.0 updated py36-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated pmb2-robot-3.0.5 updated py310-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py36-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated py38-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py310-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated py27-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated py37-aig-1.2.1 updated octoviz-1.6.1 updated py37-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py27-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated py27-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py37-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py39-aig-1.2.1 updated dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated py38-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py38-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated py39-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated ros-py36-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 updated py312-aig-1.2.1 updated py310-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py310-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated backward-ros-0.1.7 updated py36-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated py310-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated agimus-sot-1.0.2r1 updated py38-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py36-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated py36-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated py39-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated py38-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated talos-metapkg-ros-control-sot-0.3.1 updated talos-simulation-0.1.8r2 updated py27-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py27-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated py311-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py39-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated hey5-description-1.0.3 updated py37-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py39-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated py38-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py36-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated ros-py27-urdf-parser-0.4.0r1 updated py36-multiprocess-0.70.14 updated ros-aicp-mapping-1.0.1 updated sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py38-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py38-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py37-sobec-1.4.0r1 updated libpointmatcher-1.3.1 updated agimus-1.0.1 updated py39-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated ros-warehouse-ros-0.9.2r1 updated py310-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py38-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py310-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py39-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated py36-sot-tools-v3-2.3.5r3 updated py36-gurobi-9.5.2 updated py311-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py310-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1 updated py37-dynacom-1.2.0 updated py311-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated py37-roscontrol-sot-0.6.2 updated py39-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py27-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated py310-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py311-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py310-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated py27-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated py37-multicontact-api-3.0.3 updated py36-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py39-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py310-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py38-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated py27-opensim-core-4.4 updated py310-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated soth-2.0.4 updated py37-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated py37-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated ros-swri-nodelet-2.3.0 updated py310-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated agimus-hpp-1.0.0 updated py36-cvxpy-1.0.31 updated pal-msgs-0.12.14 updated py37-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py39-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py39-bullet3-3.24r1 updated py37-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py37-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py39-sot-tiago-1.5.2 updated py27-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py27-dynamic-graph-bridge-v3-3.4.5 updated py37-quadruped-walkgen-1.1.0r1 updated py36-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated py27-aig-1.2.1 updated ros-swri-math-util-2.3.0 updated py38-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated ros-moveit-msgs-0.10.0r1 updated py36-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated hrp2-14-description-1.0.5 updated py38-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated py38-aig-1.2.1 updated py311-talos-torque-control-1.1.1 updated py27-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated talos-robot-1.1.3 updated py27-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated prf-teleop-tools-0.3.2r1 updated py39-flex-joints-1.1.0 updated py27-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py36-solo-pybullet-0.1.0 updated py38-biped-stabilizer-1.3.0 updated py36-mpc-interface-1.0.1 updated tiago-navigation-2.0.0 updated py36-pal-python-0.9.14os1 updated flex-joints-1.1.0 updated sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py311-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated py310-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated ros-object-recognition-msgs-0.4.1r1 updated py36-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated py36-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py38-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py37-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py311-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py36-sot-dynamic-pinocchio-v3-3.6.5r1 updated py39-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated py311-qt5-hpp-benchmarkr1~doc updated py36-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+pocolibs-client-c+pocolibs-server updated py27-example-adder-4.0.1 updated dptu-genom3-0.2~codels+openprs+ros-client-c+ros-client-ros+ros-server updated py310-aig-1.2.1 updated py310-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py37-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated ompl-1.4.1 updated py27-skeleton_model-1.0.1 updated py37-parametric-curves-1.4.4 updated roralink-0.3.0-Source updated ros-qualisys-1.0.0 updated py38-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py38-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated py39-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py36-tiago-tutorials-2.0.3 updated py311-prf-gazebo-ros-pkgs-3.0.1r5 updated py37-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated py311-sot-pattern-generator-v3-3.4.2 updated py27-prf-ros-control-0.5.0 updated py37-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py27-prf-ros-controllers-0.3.15r2 updated py27-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated ros-srdfdom-0.5.1 updated py311-pal-statistics-1.3.1r4 updated prf-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins-0.1.3r2 updated sot-hrp2-v3-2.1.3 updated py310-dynamic-graph-tutorial-1.3.5 updated py37-libnabo-1.0.7r1 updated py38-dynamic-graph-v3-4.0.11 updated py39-sot-torque-control-1.6.5 updated py36-sot-talos-balance-2.0.5 updated py27-sot-talos-1.3.2 updated ros-moveit-resources-0.6.5 updated py311-example-adder-4.0.1 updated py27-bullet3-3.24r1 processed 334 packages No status update since last run. --- Bulk started Thu Feb 29 03:44:30 UTC 2024 --- Bulk stopped Thu Feb 29 07:12:00 UTC 2024 23102.7s user, 2120.73s system exit 0 08:12:00: [0%] Shutting down hydra64-ferrum /bin/sh /local/robotpkg/sbin/kvm-shutdown Shutdown scheduled for Thu 2024-02-29 07:13:00 UTC, use 'shutdown -c' to cancel. 0.039647s user, 0.008202s system exit 0 08:12:00: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:12:10: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:12:20: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:12:30: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:12:40: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:12:50: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:13:00: hydra64-ferrum is running: sleeping for 10s 08:13:10: hydra64-ferrum is off 08:13:10: [33%] Starting hydra64-ferrum Domain hydra64-ferrum started 08:13:12: [66%] Waiting for hydra64-ferrum echo pong pong 0.002119s user, 0s system exit 0