--- Updating robotpkg -------------------------------------------- Pulling /local/robotpkg/var/lib/robotpkg/ From git://git.openrobots.org/robots/robotpkg 87f374818..025690534 master -> origin/master HEAD is now at 025690534 [supervision/py-python-genomix] Regen DISTFILE --- Running build for index ------------------------------- ===> Updating index for robotpkg ===> Updating index for architecture Creating index.html for architecture/genom Creating index.html for architecture/genom3 Creating index.html for architecture/genom3-pocolibs Creating index.html for architecture/genom3-ros Creating index.html for architecture/orocos-ocl Creating index.html for architecture ===> Updating index for archivers Creating index.html for archivers/bzip2 Creating index.html for archivers/libarchive Creating index.html for archivers/lz4 Creating index.html for archivers/pax Creating index.html for archivers/zlib Creating index.html for archivers ===> Updating index for audio Warning: the LICENSE of audio/clone-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for audio/clone-genom Creating index.html for audio/sphinx2 Creating index.html for audio ===> Updating index for devel Creating index.html for devel/ament-cmake Creating index.html for devel/ament-cmake-ros Creating index.html for devel/cortex-sdk Creating index.html for devel/foonathan-memory Creating index.html for devel/gbx-share Creating index.html for devel/gbx-flexiport Creating index.html for devel/gz-cmake Creating index.html for devel/gz-plugin Creating index.html for devel/gz-utils Creating index.html for devel/jafar-kernel Creating index.html for devel/libedit Creating index.html for devel/log4cxx Creating index.html for devel/mkdep Creating index.html for devel/orocos-log4cpp Creating index.html for devel/py-osrf-pycommon Creating index.html for devel/ros-bond-core Creating index.html for devel/ros-catkin Creating index.html for devel/ros-cmake-modules Creating index.html for devel/ros-class-loader Creating index.html for devel/ros-filters Creating index.html for devel/ros-lint Creating index.html for devel/ros-nodelet-core Creating index.html for devel/ros-pluginlib Creating index.html for devel/ros-realtime-tools Creating index.html for devel/ros-ros Creating index.html for devel/ros-roscpp-core Creating index.html for devel/ros-xacro Creating index.html for devel/ros2-class-loader Creating index.html for devel/ros2-libstatistics-collector Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rcl Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rcl-logging Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rclcpp Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rclpy Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rcpputils Creating index.html for devel/ros2-rcutils Creating index.html for devel/spdlog Creating index.html for devel/tinyxml Creating index.html for devel/visit-struct Creating index.html for devel/ycm-cmake-modules Creating index.html for devel ===> Updating index for doc Creating index.html for doc/demo-genom Creating index.html for doc/demo-genom3 Creating index.html for doc/hpp-doc Creating index.html for doc/py-qt-hpp-practicals Creating index.html for doc/py-hpp-tutorial Creating index.html for doc/robotpkg Creating index.html for doc ===> Updating index for graphics Creating index.html for graphics/coldman-genom Creating index.html for graphics/coldman-libs Creating index.html for graphics/collada-dom Creating index.html for graphics/flann Creating index.html for graphics/gdhe Creating index.html for graphics/gerard-bauzil Creating index.html for graphics/grh2 Creating index.html for graphics/gz-common Creating index.html for graphics/gz-gui Creating index.html for graphics/gz-rendering Creating index.html for graphics/laaswm Creating index.html for graphics/laaswm-libs Creating index.html for graphics/ogre-next Creating index.html for graphics/openscenegraph Creating index.html for graphics/openvrml-libs Creating index.html for graphics/pqp Creating index.html for graphics/primitiveShapes-libs Creating index.html for graphics/py-pythonqt Creating index.html for graphics/py-qt-gepetto-viewer Creating index.html for graphics/py-qt-gepetto-viewer-corba Creating index.html for graphics/py-qt-hpp-gepetto-viewer Creating index.html for graphics/py-qt-hpp-gui Creating index.html for graphics/py-qt-hpp-plot Creating index.html for graphics/qt-osgqt Creating index.html for graphics/qt-qgv Creating index.html for graphics/robot-capsule-urdf Creating index.html for graphics/ros-convex-decomposition Creating index.html for graphics/ros-geometric-shapes Creating index.html for graphics/ros-interactive-markers Creating index.html for graphics/ros-ivcon Creating index.html for graphics/ros-kdl-parser Creating index.html for graphics/ros-python-qt-binding Creating index.html for graphics/ros-qt-gui-core Creating index.html for graphics/ros-rqt Creating index.html for graphics/ros-rqt-common-plugins Creating index.html for graphics/ros-urdf Creating index.html for graphics/sdformat Creating index.html for graphics/simple-humanoid-description Creating index.html for graphics/sun-java3d Creating index.html for graphics/urdfdom Creating index.html for graphics/urdfdom-headers Warning: DOXYGEN_PLIST_DIR in graphics/vcglib is deprecated. Warning: use DYNAMIC_PLIST_DIRS instead. Creating index.html for graphics/vcglib Creating index.html for graphics ===> Updating index for hardware Warning: the LICENSE of hardware/GPSNovatel is undefined. Creating index.html for hardware/GPSNovatel Warning: the LICENSE of hardware/MTI is undefined. Creating index.html for hardware/MTI Creating index.html for hardware/cwiid Creating index.html for hardware/daqflex-libs Creating index.html for hardware/dynamixel-genom3 Creating index.html for hardware/ftsens-genom3 Creating index.html for hardware/gbx-hokuyo-aist Creating index.html for hardware/gyro-libs Creating index.html for hardware/gyroKVH1000 Creating index.html for hardware/gyroKVH5000 Creating index.html for hardware/icub-libs Creating index.html for hardware/joystick-genom3 Creating index.html for hardware/libfranka Creating index.html for hardware/libftdi Creating index.html for hardware/mccdaqft-genom3 Creating index.html for hardware/openni-sensor Creating index.html for hardware/platine-genom Creating index.html for hardware/py-odri-control-interface Creating index.html for hardware/py-odri-master-board-sdk Creating index.html for hardware/sahand-kmod Creating index.html for hardware/sahand-libs Warning: the LICENSE of hardware/sahand-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for hardware/sahand-genom Creating index.html for hardware/serial Creating index.html for hardware/sickLib Warning: the LICENSE of hardware/sick-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for hardware/sick-genom Creating index.html for hardware/simde Creating index.html for hardware/tk3-paparazzi Creating index.html for hardware/velodyne-genom Creating index.html for hardware/velodyne-libs Creating index.html for hardware ===> Updating index for image Creating index.html for image/artoolkitplus Creating index.html for image/coriander Creating index.html for image/jafar-correl Creating index.html for image/jafar-image Creating index.html for image/libdc1394 Creating index.html for image/libimages3d Creating index.html for image/libraw1394 Creating index.html for image/libstereopixel Creating index.html for image/niut-genom Creating index.html for image/opencv2 Creating index.html for image/opencv3 Creating index.html for image/opencv4 Creating index.html for image/openni-nite Creating index.html for image/ros-image-common Creating index.html for image/ros-vision-opencv Creating index.html for image/sift Creating index.html for image/stereopixel-genom Creating index.html for image/viam-dc1394-driver Creating index.html for image/viam-libs Creating index.html for image/viam-genom Creating index.html for image/viam-v4l-driver Creating index.html for image/viman-genom Creating index.html for image/visp Creating index.html for image ===> Updating index for interfaces Creating index.html for interfaces/genBasic-genom Creating index.html for interfaces/genHum-genom Creating index.html for interfaces/genPos-genom Creating index.html for interfaces/abstract-robot-dynamics Creating index.html for interfaces/abstract-gik-task Creating index.html for interfaces/gz-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/humanoid-nav-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/jrl-mal Creating index.html for interfaces/openrobots-idl Creating index.html for interfaces/openrobots2-idl Creating index.html for interfaces/ros-comm-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/ros-common-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/ros-control-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/ros-navigation-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/ros-std-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-common-interfaces Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rcl-core-interfaces Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rcl-interfaces Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-core Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-fastrtps Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-defaults Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-python Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-runtime-py Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-typesupport Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-test-interface-files Creating index.html for interfaces/ros2-unique-identifier-msgs Creating index.html for interfaces ===> Updating index for knowledge Creating index.html for knowledge/jena Creating index.html for knowledge/pellet Creating index.html for knowledge/oro-server Creating index.html for knowledge/py-oro Creating index.html for knowledge ===> Updating index for lang Creating index.html for lang/jython Creating index.html for lang/ros-gencpp Creating index.html for lang/ros-geneus Creating index.html for lang/ros-genlisp Creating index.html for lang/ros-gennodejs Creating index.html for lang/ros-genpy Creating index.html for lang/ros-message-generation Creating index.html for lang/ros-message-runtime Creating index.html for lang/sun-jdk Creating index.html for lang ===> Updating index for localization Creating index.html for localization/GPS-genom Warning: the LICENSE of localization/MTI-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for localization/MTI-genom Creating index.html for localization/gps-genom3 Warning: the LICENSE of localization/gyro-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for localization/gyro-genom Creating index.html for localization/hueblob-genom Creating index.html for localization/insitu Creating index.html for localization/libpom Creating index.html for localization/mocap-genom Creating index.html for localization/optitrack-genom3 Warning: the LICENSE of localization/odokit is undefined. Creating index.html for localization/odokit Creating index.html for localization/pom-genom Creating index.html for localization/pom-genom3 Creating index.html for localization/ros-joint-state-publisher Creating index.html for localization/ros-robot-state-publisher Warning: the LICENSE of localization/segloc-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for localization/segloc-genom Creating index.html for localization/xsensmvn-genom3 Creating index.html for localization ===> Updating index for manipulation Creating index.html for manipulation/genManip-genom Creating index.html for manipulation ===> Updating index for mapping Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/dtm-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/dtm-genom Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/libdtm is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/libdtm Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/mapkit is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/mapkit Creating index.html for mapping/octomap Creating index.html for mapping/regionMap-genom Creating index.html for mapping/regionMap-lib Creating index.html for mapping/ros-laser-geometry Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/segkit is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/segkit Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/worldmodelgrid3d is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/worldmodelgrid3d Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/worldmodelgrid3dg-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/worldmodelgrid3dg-genom Warning: the LICENSE of mapping/zone-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for mapping/zone-genom Creating index.html for mapping ===> Updating index for math Creating index.html for math/boost-numeric-bindings Creating index.html for math/boost-numeric-bindings-v1 Creating index.html for math/eigen-quadprog Creating index.html for math/eigen2 Creating index.html for math/eigen3 Creating index.html for math/eiquadprog Creating index.html for math/gbM Creating index.html for math/geometric-tools Creating index.html for math/gz-math Creating index.html for math/hpp-pinocchio Creating index.html for math/hrp2-dynamics Creating index.html for math/jafar-jmath Creating index.html for math/jrl-dynamics Creating index.html for math/jrl-mathtools Creating index.html for math/lapack Creating index.html for math/libccd Creating index.html for math/liblbfgs Creating index.html for math/meschach Creating index.html for math/ndcurves Creating index.html for math/pinocchio Creating index.html for math/py-eigenpy Creating index.html for math/py-ndcurves Creating index.html for math/py-pinocchio Creating index.html for math/py-quadprog Creating index.html for math/ros-angles Creating index.html for math/ros-eigen-stl-containers Creating index.html for math/ros-geometry Creating index.html for math/ros-geometry2 Creating index.html for math/ros-random-numbers Creating index.html for math/sensFusion-libs Warning: DOXYGEN_PLIST_DIR in math/t3d is deprecated. Warning: use DYNAMIC_PLIST_DIRS instead. Creating index.html for math/t3d Warning: the LICENSE of math/tvmet is undefined. Creating index.html for math/tvmet Creating index.html for math ===> Updating index for meta-pkgs Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/gearbox Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/hpp Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/jafar Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/mana Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/minnie Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/orocos-toolchain Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/ros-base Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/ros-desktop Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/ros-robot Creating index.html for meta-pkgs/ros2-core Creating index.html for meta-pkgs ===> Updating index for middleware Creating index.html for middleware/ace Creating index.html for middleware/fastcdr Creating index.html for middleware/fastrtps Creating index.html for middleware/hpp-template-corba Creating index.html for middleware/mavlink1 Creating index.html for middleware/naoqi Creating index.html for middleware/omniORB Creating index.html for middleware/openni Creating index.html for middleware/openni2 Creating index.html for middleware/openrtm-aist Creating index.html for middleware/orocos-rtt Creating index.html for middleware/pocolibs Creating index.html for middleware/py-omniORBpy Creating index.html for middleware/py-yarp Creating index.html for middleware/ros-actionlib Creating index.html for middleware/ros-comm Creating index.html for middleware/ros-dynamic-reconfigure Creating index.html for middleware/ros-genmsg Creating index.html for middleware/ros2-rmw Creating index.html for middleware/ros2-rmw-dds-common Creating index.html for middleware/ros2-rmw-fastrtps Creating index.html for middleware/ros2-rmw-implementation Creating index.html for middleware/sros2 Creating index.html for middleware/yarp Creating index.html for middleware ===> Updating index for motion Warning: the LICENSE of motion/contlaw is undefined. Creating index.html for motion/contlaw Creating index.html for motion/dynamic-graph Creating index.html for motion/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs Creating index.html for motion/dynamic-graph-bridge-msgs-ros2 Creating index.html for motion/locoDemo-genom Creating index.html for motion/nhfc-genom3 Creating index.html for motion/orocos-kdl Creating index.html for motion/phynt-genom3 Warning: the LICENSE of motion/pilo-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for motion/pilo-genom Creating index.html for motion/py-dynamic-graph Creating index.html for motion/py-orocos-kdl Creating index.html for motion/py-sot-tools Creating index.html for motion/ros-control Creating index.html for motion/ros-control-toolbox Creating index.html for motion/ros-orocos-kinematics-dynamics Creating index.html for motion/softMotion-libs Creating index.html for motion/sot-core Creating index.html for motion/sot-dynamic Creating index.html for motion/uavatt-genom3 Creating index.html for motion/uavpos-genom3 Creating index.html for motion ===> Updating index for net Creating index.html for net/evart-client Creating index.html for net/evart-stream Creating index.html for net/genomix Creating index.html for net/gz-fuel-tools Creating index.html for net/gz-transport Creating index.html for net/libfetch Creating index.html for net/libtclserv_client Creating index.html for net/py-poco Creating index.html for net/ros-resource-retriever Creating index.html for net/rosix Creating index.html for net/tclpcap Creating index.html for net/tclserv Creating index.html for net ===> Updating index for optimization Creating index.html for optimization/acado Creating index.html for optimization/ipopt Creating index.html for optimization/proxsuite Creating index.html for optimization/py-casadi Creating index.html for optimization/py-crocoddyl Creating index.html for optimization/py-proxsuite Creating index.html for optimization/py-tsid Creating index.html for optimization/qpoases Creating index.html for optimization/roboptim-core Warning: DOXYGEN_PLIST_DIR in optimization/roboptim-core-ipopt-plugin is deprecated. Warning: use DYNAMIC_PLIST_DIRS instead. Creating index.html for optimization/roboptim-core-ipopt-plugin Creating index.html for optimization/roboptim-trajectory Creating index.html for optimization/tsid Creating index.html for optimization ===> Updating index for path Warning: the LICENSE of path/aspect-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for path/aspect-genom Creating index.html for path/coal Creating index.html for path/fcl Creating index.html for path/hpp-affordance Creating index.html for path/hpp-constraints Creating index.html for path/hpp-core Creating index.html for path/hpp-manipulation Creating index.html for path/hpp-manipulation-urdf Creating index.html for path/hpp-statistics Creating index.html for path/hpp-util Creating index.html for path/jrl-walkgen Creating index.html for path/libkdtp Creating index.html for path/libp3d Creating index.html for path/maneuver-genom3 Warning: the LICENSE of path/ndd-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for path/ndd-genom Warning: the LICENSE of path/p3d-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for path/p3d-genom Creating index.html for path/py-coal Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-affordance-corba Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-bezier-com-traj Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-centroidal-dynamics Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-corbaserver Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-manipulation-corba Creating index.html for path/py-hpp-python Creating index.html for path ===> Updating index for pkgtools Creating index.html for pkgtools/digest Creating index.html for pkgtools/install-sh Creating index.html for pkgtools/libnbcompat Creating index.html for pkgtools/libtool Creating index.html for pkgtools/pkg-config Creating index.html for pkgtools/pkg_install Creating index.html for pkgtools/pkgin Creating index.html for pkgtools/pkgrepo2deb Creating index.html for pkgtools/rbulkit Creating index.html for pkgtools/robotpkg_chk Creating index.html for pkgtools/robotpkgdb Creating index.html for pkgtools/tnftp Creating index.html for pkgtools/url2robotpkg Creating index.html for pkgtools ===> Updating index for robots Creating index.html for robots/example-robot-data Creating index.html for robots/hrp2-10 Creating index.html for robots/hrp2-14 Creating index.html for robots/hrp2-machine Creating index.html for robots/hrpsys-base Creating index.html for robots/ivmob-genom Creating index.html for robots/ivmob-libs Warning: the LICENSE of robots/jloco-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for robots/jloco-genom Creating index.html for robots/mana-emergency Creating index.html for robots/mor-libs Creating index.html for robots/nao-robot Creating index.html for robots/neobotix-libs Warning: the LICENSE of robots/play-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for robots/play-genom Creating index.html for robots/player20-libs Creating index.html for robots/py-example-robot-data Creating index.html for robots/py-hpp-baxter Creating index.html for robots/py-hpp-romeo Creating index.html for robots/py-hpp-universal-robot Warning: the LICENSE of robots/rflex-genom is undefined. Creating index.html for robots/rflex-genom Creating index.html for robots/rflexclients Creating index.html for robots/rmp-libs Creating index.html for robots/rmp400-genom Creating index.html for robots/rmp440-genom Creating index.html for robots/rmp440-genom3 Creating index.html for robots/rmp440-libs Creating index.html for robots/romeo-description Creating index.html for robots/rotorcraft-genom3 Creating index.html for robots/tk3-matlab Creating index.html for robots/tk3-mikrokopter Creating index.html for robots ===> Updating index for scripts Creating index.html for scripts/pilo-demo Creating index.html for scripts/py-sot-application Creating index.html for scripts ===> Updating index for shell Creating index.html for shell/eltclsh Creating index.html for shell ===> Updating index for simulation Creating index.html for simulation/dxsim-gazebo Creating index.html for simulation/gazebo-ros-pkgs Creating index.html for simulation/gz-physics Creating index.html for simulation/gz-sensors Creating index.html for simulation/gz-sim Creating index.html for simulation/hpp-environments Creating index.html for simulation/libdart Creating index.html for simulation/libdynamixel Creating index.html for simulation/libmrsim Creating index.html for simulation/morse Creating index.html for simulation/morse-yarp Creating index.html for simulation/mrsim-gazebo Creating index.html for simulation/mrsim-genom3 Creating index.html for simulation/openhrp3 Creating index.html for simulation/optitrack-gazebo Creating index.html for simulation/py-hpp-environments Creating index.html for simulation ===> Updating index for speech Creating index.html for speech/dialogs Creating index.html for speech/gspeett Creating index.html for speech ===> Updating index for supervision Creating index.html for supervision/genom3-openprs Creating index.html for supervision/matlab-genomix Creating index.html for supervision/openprs Creating index.html for supervision/py-python-genomix Creating index.html for supervision/ros-executive-smach Creating index.html for supervision/tcl-genomix Creating index.html for supervision/transgen Creating index.html for supervision/transgen3 Creating index.html for supervision ===> Updating index for sysutils Creating index.html for sysutils/alog Creating index.html for sysutils/ament-index Creating index.html for sysutils/arduio Creating index.html for sysutils/arduio-genom3 Creating index.html for sysutils/console-bridge Creating index.html for sysutils/gz-tools Creating index.html for sysutils/hrp2-bringup Creating index.html for sysutils/hrp2-computer-monitor Creating index.html for sysutils/interceptty Creating index.html for sysutils/py-aafigure Creating index.html for sysutils/py-ament-package Creating index.html for sysutils/py-catkin-pkg Creating index.html for sysutils/py-rosdep Creating index.html for sysutils/py-rosdistro Creating index.html for sysutils/py-rospkg Creating index.html for sysutils/py-ros2-rpyutils Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-console Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-console-bridge Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-diagnostics Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-environment Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-rospack Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-rqt-graph Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-rqt-plot Creating index.html for sysutils/ros-rviz Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2-environment Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2-launch Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2-launch-ros Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2-ros-workspace Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2-tracing Creating index.html for sysutils/ros2cli Creating index.html for sysutils/tk3-flash Creating index.html for sysutils/tth Creating index.html for sysutils/y2l Creating index.html for sysutils ===> Updating index for www Creating index.html for www/picoweb Creating index.html for www Creating toplevel index.html 33.54user 9.81system 0:42.30elapsed 102%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 4472maxresident)k 16inputs+7920outputs (1major+1892200minor)pagefaults 0swaps --- Bulk started Mon Mar 24 22:54:24 CET 2025 --- Bulk stopped Mon Mar 24 22:55:07 CET 2025